Example sentences of "be [adj] he " in BNC.

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1 Tom will want to check for proteinuria and test your reflexes , but even if those things are normal he and Dr Greene may want to pop you in hospital for a while . ’
2 Had he been alive he would doubtless have been delighted at the response of the leading conservative theatre critic to What the Butler Saw ( 1969 ) : ‘ Orton 's terrible obsession with perversion , which is regarded as having brought his life to an end and choked his very high talent , poisons the atmosphere of the play .
3 I had been afraid he would come .
4 Now , when I read about Long John in Squire Trelawney 's letter , I had been afraid he might be the one-legged seaman that old Bill had talked about .
5 She 'd been afraid he might guess that ‘ Raff ’ was short for Raphael .
6 — ‘ If the driver has been careful he is not responsible .
7 Yet if his character had been different he would have attracted an ordinary-looking girl .
8 I admire what Gorbachev is attempting , but I am afraid he has great problems .
9 Well he was a bit mad Elsie you know that and I am afraid he has got worse now .
10 In this I am afraid he was unsuccessful .
11 I am afraid he 's the laughing-stock of the court , despised by most and pitied by the few who listen to his constant pleas of innocence .
12 I am afraid he may not be with us any longer ’ .
13 Had he been English he might have been described as a typical eccentric .
14 ‘ I am delighted he has agreed to the council 's request and sees the need for urgency , ’ he said .
15 Shail was cautioned for kicking the ball away , and manager Steve Rutter said : ‘ We are convinced he is going to miss out . ’
16 ‘ But German Intelligence are convinced he 's on their side ? ’
17 ‘ You are convinced he was her childhood sweetheart ? ’
18 But Marc 's parents are convinced he was killed .
19 Senior police officers are convinced he had knowledge of who was behind the gangland executions of Glover and Hanlon .
20 She 'd been convinced he respected her so much that he had intentions of a more permanent nature .
21 Ted Dexter , chairman of the England Committee , commented : ‘ Graham has led the side in the best possible way during the winter and we are delighted he has again accepted the captaincy . ’
22 He is now playing better than any time in his career and we are delighted he is continuing . ’
23 I am convinced he must be replaced . ’
24 In confession now he has spoken of but one blow , and I am convinced he struck but once . ’
25 In fact I am convinced he was part Alsatian because though he had a luxuriant black and white coat there was something significant in the massive limbs and in the noble brown-shaded head with its upstanding ears .
26 I 'm writing a report on her former colleague , because suspicions have been voiced that she is the agent of some foreign power — though , I hasten to add , I personally regard this as nonsense , and am convinced he died simply because she somehow …
27 Each time he attempts to show they are ignorant he displays his own ignorance .
28 And yet , I am relieved he is here .
29 ‘ They 're afraid he 'll skip the country , or try to intimidate the victim .
30 ‘ He did n't come to work this morning and we 're afraid he may be ill . ’
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