Example sentences of "be [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Oh these courses mainly I 've been on is being opening the Guild you know , how to open a Guild , how to open you know , a Guild erm and er I 've been on consumer courses erm such as like that paper they just sent this week on what 's on , I mean that is nothing new they 've sent out in today 's Co-op news you know that our own label and all the nutr because the nutriment , I can remember er being at Stanford Hall on , on a consumer course for a week and you see I was on the er when I was know , know longer an employee , I was on member relations you see , representing the Guild and you 'd go through there sometimes and that would probably be a consumer task .
2 ‘ The girl must be busy ’ , ‘ the maintenance course she had been on was probably gruelling ’ , or ‘ she was still too upset to put pen to paper ’ .
3 The most scary flight I have ever been on was with Andy .
4 The best flight I have been on was in the black cessna .
5 The structure of the privatisation is such that institutions are effectively being left with no say in how they spend the funds they are supposed to manage on behalf of their clients .
6 Organisations that want to keep the law are effectively being invited to watch their competitors steal their trade , which is not on .
7 These are mostly being written with the aid of Egeria , a graphical user interface editor which cuts what would be a 200,000 line Motif application program down to 10,000 lines .
8 Ageing municipal domestic waste incinerators are a far greater source of dioxins ( and are slowly being upgraded ) ; domestic fires and unleaded petrol are the next biggest sources .
9 MIPS ' operations meanwhile , are slowly being dismantled by SGI : US reports suggest that 450 of the 685 jobs at MIPS are to go , although there are plans to redeploy at least 250 of those lost at other SGI sites .
10 The irony is that this is at a time when such diseases are slowly being reduced in Britain . ’
11 Teams traipsing off the field under little or no threat of rain when the medium pacers are on is the bitterest pill a spectator has to swallow ; closely followed by the frequent inability to restart the game promptly .
12 ‘ The hill we are on is called Loving Alto .
13 Secondly councillor I take your point , sixty percent or so of people are on are erm sixty six p , I deferred your great knowledge .
14 However , both are constantly being disturbed by blackbirds .
15 This promising approach to pest control is in its infancy , but varieties that are less attractive to certain pests are constantly being developed and tested .
16 It should be noted that these sites are constantly being reviewed , and other sites added .
17 Although these four authors address themselves to rather different problems , and do not appear to agree on a number of issues , their combined views on the importance of soil erosion are more or less consistent , and quite clear — its importance is exaggerated , agricultural technology initiated by both officials and farmers can respond satisfactorily , and the resources at disposal are massive and are constantly being created by technology itself .
18 Pending such legislation , improved baby carriers are constantly being produced , and many manufacturers now fit back seat belts into new cars .
19 New discoveries are constantly being made through a return to original sources .
20 The network will study how to manage a large collection of computers , which are constantly being switched in and out of the Universe network .
21 With modern methods of communication throughout the world , our perceptions are constantly being enlarged and our attitudes and values are shifting .
22 With hindsight , I would recommend only one breeding pair to a tank , or the other fish are constantly being chased away from one nest or another .
23 Naturally experience enables one to give a reasonable estimate — but we are constantly being taken by surprise , both by those who manage to overcome their problems amazingly quickly and by others who take longer than was initially estimated .
24 New offences are constantly being created and the police point out that we are also actually reporting more crimes .
25 For both businesses and individuals with financial interests abroad , particularly where payments are constantly being made or received , a foreign currency account is essential .
26 In the home and in the workplace , women are constantly being urged these days to be more assertive .
27 Status signals are constantly being exchanged between us through what we see and hear .
28 The plates are not permanent : they are constantly being replenished by liquid rock gushing up from the Earth 's mantle ( the subsurface layer ) at the long submarine mountain ranges known as the mid-ocean ridges .
29 Marxman join the ranks of the likes of Hiphoprisy and Consolidated , bands who are bangingly right-on to the hip-ho beat at a time ( as we are constantly being reminded — YAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN ! ) when to be anything other than either defeatist or mindless is utterly unfashionable .
30 Unlike pop socio-biology , which appeals to the gene as the ultimate and fundamental causal factor in human evolution and behaviour , innate sociality supposes a predisposition in human beings towards the continual absorption of existing meanings and the creation of new meanings in local universes of thought that are constantly being discovered , destroyed , and negotiated anew in the process of social interaction .
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