Example sentences of "be [prep] people " in BNC.

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1 Finally this study has given me a good idea of what life has been for people living in the past in America , where as before , I would n't have had a clue and it 's also taught me that no matter how many times you read a book , you 'll always find new links and connections .
2 Budgeting Loans are for people getting income support .
3 Careers in computing are for people with common sense , the ability to think clearly and logically , the capacity to adapt readily to change , and the skill to communicate and work closely with others .
4 They 're being encouraged to slap on this parking ticket which claims pavements are for people
5 pedestrians who are crossing the road in which you are turning when entering or emerging from property bordering on a road , give way to pedestrians as well as the traffic on the road , remember pavements are for people , not for motor cycles motor vehicles
6 The research design was not intended to display how ordinary Easton 's police are as people , although the topics about which they talk show a concern with the same mundane things as other people — family , sport and leisure , television , sex , work , overtime and the bosses , the in-laws , friends , the cost of living , holidays , pregnancies , the house and DIY , politics , and so on .
7 Seen in this light , management is a political activity and it is an emotional activity too because organisations are about people .
8 The best bits are about people .
9 Now of course the stories are about people caught in this way .
10 But one of the things , obvious at first , that , one of the first things about any kind of journalism apart from apart from , in your specialist journals and so on , is that they 're about newspapers are about people , so obviously get the people in and there 's a , a very good very good you 've got the person , you 've got you 've got you 've got someone in up at the top and saying something .
11 Thus in a letter to his father of 3 June 1913 , all the names are of people who figure in Mrs Lowndes 's memoirs :
12 Further , the fact that there has been such a steep rise in the number of divorces , combined with a fairly high rate of remarriage , means that a rising proportion of all marriages are of people marrying for at least the second time .
13 Th the there are , there are of people .
14 And , road accidents , we talk about them a lot , and we 've discussed about charging for them , or whether we should n't and all the rest of it , they are n't about bits of squashed metal , they 're about people .
15 They 're like people to him , I suppose .
16 They 're like people .
17 And what Ms Meckler and her designer , Dermot Hayes , have inventively done is to remind us that these characters are like people picknicking on the edge of Vesuvius .
18 So long as it maintains the idea that believers talking to unbelievers are like people explaining to the blind what it is like to see , reason may be tolerated .
19 For him jobs are like people : changeable but capable of immense development .
20 They are like people at a meal who can only take a bite from each course .
21 But , well , call me a sentimental old toerag if you must , I figure the more straight ( you should pardon the expression ) I am with people , the straighter they 'll be with me .
22 He been with people who had lain on the tracks to try to stop the special trains bringing out 7,600 refugees from Prague and climb on board .
23 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
24 Previously , my close relationships would have been with people where we would perhaps be living together or just lovers , but they would have been quite explicit that they would have been non-monogamous .
25 Section four four onwards talks about erm the affecting the environmental and makes a point that will be we as officers have been with people on this and that is quite unusual er at this stage of the process .
26 The most common calls are from people who have lost their pets .
27 Many category 2 queries , however , are from people who have done a fair amount of ‘ homework ’ , but have been unable to find out all they would like to know , or wish to check that they have made the right interpretation of their reading .
28 And what do you think of the idea of ways that the , that the way the house types were graded , the fact that some of them were in fact meant to be executive or managerial classes and others were meant to be for people with less income , do you think that this is again recreating this sort of class system within the planning of the town ?
29 These workshops will be for people involved in particular aspects of analysing socio-economic data and will consist of presentations of the different approaches illustrated with the results of the comparative analyses of relevant datasets .
30 But today the Church of England apoligised to the family saying ’ our concern must always be for people before regulations , especially during times of greiving . ’
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