Example sentences of "the same time " in BNC.

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1 3 If you are coming back from injury or lay-off , go slowly — train progressively and do not expect to be doing the same times as you were before .
2 One the first flush of passion is over , sex often seems to become infrequent , not because you do n't fancy each other , but because you do n't fancy each other at the same times .
3 When the baseline is repeated at some later date , after the intervention programme , the same times must be used .
4 Comparable oxygen isotope shifts have been measured in sediments from Swiss and Polish lakes at precisely the same times .
5 They buy their inventories of raw materials at the same times and at the same prices .
6 he , we shagged the same bird me and Nick , not on the same times but oh I went out with her after he went out with her .
7 If overt collusion is not permitted , then firms may be able to replicate its effect via tacit collusion ( Tirole , 1989 , ch. 6 ) , which may take the form of ‘ conscious parallelism ’ with firms making identical price changes more or less at the same time .
8 At the same time we appointed a Romanian , Ana Ureche , to coordinate and represent our work .
9 It is not yet clear how many of the almost 80 other prisoners freed at the same time were held for political reasons .
10 Moscow , USSR : At the same time , 12,000 miles away , a delegation from Amnesty 's International Secretariat is making plans for a fledgling Moscow Group to participate in the Women in the Front Line campaign .
11 But at the same time he was both transmitter and receiver , so to speak .
12 Wölflinn was trying to isolate a visual denominator which , he claimed , was common to all works produced at the same time .
13 The catalogue as a whole is thus a document in the history of taste , a historical account , and at the same time contains some art criticism , not always explicit in evaluating the works shown .
14 To it we owe that nervous , spidery line of the drawings — so quick , so attentive , yet so despairing — that alerts us to the elusiveness of the subject at the same time that it perseveres in the attempt to render it .
15 This sort of copy is at the same time description and interpretation , the salient points being brought out by the copyist , who gains greater understanding of a masterpiece by his work .
16 At the same time , the reader can be made to feel that , on closer inspection , the country 's politics might prove to be antics too .
17 At the same time , the novel finds more to object to in the less objectionable aspects of these activities than many readers might anticipate .
18 At the same time , he has wandered some distance from his kin , in spirit .
19 Metty is a misfit , as Golding 's Matty is in Darkness Visible , a novel which appeared at the same time as Naipaul 's .
20 At the same time , these hardships are a focus of his attention .
21 At the same time , both here and in Hawksmoor , Ackroyd , too , is his own man .
22 ‘ This verse described a boy who had been trembling in front of the bathroom door , but at the same time this boy was swallowed up by the verse ; it surmounted and survived him .
23 His Postscript evokes the aim of a white-coated Doctor Kundera ‘ to solve an aesthetic problem : how to write a novel which would be a ‘ critique of poetry ’ and yet at the same time would itself be poetry ’ .
24 At the same time , he is a shrewd observer who writes compellingly about the people and the landscapes he encounters .
25 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
26 At the same time , though less abrasive , the book is only intermittently less sophisticated than those that preceded it .
27 At the same time , he accepts the ‘ obvious ’ fact that ‘ facts are never just coming at you but are incorporated by an imagination that is formed by your previous experience ’ .
28 Zuckerman is seeking to deny the traditional connection between illness and psychic division which is reaffirmed in the novel as a whole , and which is also reaffirmed in The Facts , and at the same time to deny that there is a traditional belief in division or multiplicity , a long-standing sense of selfhood as a chimera .
29 At the same time , the article is tainted by what seems to be a desire to inflict damage on Levi 's reputation , of a kind which may be thought to serve the ideological tendency of the magazine in which it appeared .
30 It was the taste of the stranger — who might at the same time be rooted , as he himself was , in some national life .
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