Example sentences of "the same [coord] " in BNC.

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1 And perhaps we might imagine that they are the same but different .
2 Amis and Larkin are the same but different .
3 In Britain the attitude remains the same but the Dupatta is not quite so essential .
4 Now perhaps they should produce an Apple Macintosh version , which would be exactly the same but cost twice as much .
5 Harry thinks that this fruit house is almost unique ; that is , he knows of one other which started off the same but has since been altered .
6 If I understand him aright , it ought to be possible to show that Descartes ' stripping away of the ‘ accidental ’ qualities of objects is illegitimate , because based on a series of elisions of meaning between one use of an expression and another where the two expressions look the same but have different meanings .
7 Labour at the moment offers ‘ more of the same but better ’ .
8 The stimuli may have remained the same but almost all other aspects of the training situation were radically altered in the shift from the simultaneous to the successive procedure .
9 More of the same but more visitors from London and Brighton etc .
10 The best way to perfect this is to do numerous light wind gybes since the technique is the same but everything happens slower .
11 This fiddling included overcharging , increasing the price of bread to unknowing customers , and keeping the price the same but reducing the size of the bread delivery .
12 Love is a sort of narcotic in its effect , and it is like drunkenness or the rapture of the deep that sea-divers write about ; but there are many other kinds of love , though not exactly the same but as brilliant and more lasting .
13 Supporting stays about the same but there is a marked difference in quality which is not reflected in the figures .
14 Middlemarch and The golden bowl are not the same but , though they are a good deal longer , they are not different in kind or quality .
15 Week 8 : Another pound gone , ½ inch off my bust ( now 40½ inches ) : ¾ inch from my waist , 1 inch off my hips , tum remains the same but have lost 5 inches already , no more off thighs but another ¼ inch off my knees and arms remain unchanged .
16 Tom : Yes , they are the same but yours are a bit different .
17 If you are working , then how about looking for a job that pays more or a job that pays the same but reduces your travelling costs ?
18 Every day after school I rang Jamila , and every day the reply to my question , ‘ How are things ? ’ was always , ‘ The same , Creamy , ’ or , ‘ The same but worse . ’
19 The diphthong OA is the same but with the initial mouth opening being smaller as in :
20 The skin on your face and body may seem the same but facial skin actually has more sebaceous glands to secrete natural oil and keep skin supple .
21 Bill : I was the same but I still find that I 'm totally different from people who think of sex as just screwing .
22 In this passage , Wittgenstein mentions one argument for saying that the thought is not the same as the sentence — two sentences ‘ one in English and one in French , may be said to express the same thought ; since the thought is the same but the sentences different the thought is not the same as either of the sentences .
23 The principles of the two applications of games theory are in many ways the same but their results point , in a sense , in opposite directions .
24 Not only is the method of demonstration the same but , given the research that novelists do , it can not be claimed that their dialogue is wholly invented .
25 The sunken cheeks which emphasized his cheekbones , the thin tight-lipped mouth were the same but they merged with the Latin appearance — further highlighted by the cut of his lightweight suit .
26 Today the routes are much the same but we are switching to satellites , fibre cables and electronic gadgets which combine mouse-like size with mammoth capacity .
27 It is accurately spelled out but the wrong word ; it is a homonym or more technically a homophone , i.e. a word that sounds the same but is spelled differently , e.g. hair — hare ; threw — through .
28 Neither side had " won " ; the status of Berlin remained the same but it was a city now starkly divided .
29 and in fact it is more or less the same but you check if some of them are missing .
30 On a more personal level , Riley has said : ‘ The game is the same but the stakes are higher for women – – You need time to reflect , you are alone essentially , and I knew that I could n't give the time and thought to bringing up children or caring for another person on an intimate level .
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