Example sentences of "the year [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's frightening really because you think well you know , I mean you said the years well that could n't happen
2 The assessment of practical subjects and their funding remains a problem , but the negative attitudes towards Agriculture , which I remember so clearly in the years just preceding and just after independence in the countries where I worked and travelled , seems virtually dead .
3 In the years just before 1914 , David Bomberg was exploring , in semi-cubist , Vorticist works , the potentiality of geometric forms in the new mechanical age .
4 In the years just before 1914 , David Bomberg was exploring , in semi-cubist , Vorticist works , the potentiality of geometric forms in the new mechanical age .
5 Here again , we are taken back to the very beginning of the town , to the years just after the Norman Conquest — for King 's Lynn is not really old by English standards .
6 In the years just before 1914 Count A.K. Benckendorff , the ambassador in London , or A.P .
7 The Chairman welcomes Mr Pugh and thanks Mr Taylor for his efforts over the years past .
8 . They used to have the Years ago , they used to have er big and lace , like this , and I used to make all that bandage , for the lace .
9 I used to I used to pay fifteen quid for the years ago to rent the set
10 In my herb book , what on the years ago that 's all people had for medicines was herbs
11 Er , I do n't know what , and I think he , we he sent for that book , I sent for this and its different issues which you can possibly used in erm P S D se er , etcetera and there 's a number which I feel work across the years rather than just you know , sort of one year book for example there 's a a unit there Terry and
12 Moreover these were the years when Pound was writing Canto 30 :
13 And during the years when Pound was most under Yeats 's influence , Pound too embraced this ideal — as when in 1912 he went with Yeats and some others to pay an act of homage to one of the last English representatives of the type , the Sussex squire Wilfred Scawen Blunt :
14 The answer is that in the years when Minto was in her fall vigour , Lewis 's flow of words was limited .
15 Those were the years when Romania carried off the prizes .
16 Before turning to the decline of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ , however , we need to sketch it at its absolute zenith , in the years when Blitzkrieg victories brought almost the whole of Europe under Hitler 's command .
17 During the 1930s , then , in the years when his popularity was soaring to dizzy heights , Hitler 's public pronouncements on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ were less numerous than might be imagined , and , while certainly hate-filled , were usually couched in abstract generalities in association with western plutocracy or Bolshevism .
18 However , in the years when the population of Ireland was halved through starvation , disease and emigration , we learned that there had been food ; eggs and beef , grain , butter and pork , but that much of it was exported to England to pay rents .
19 ‘ In the years when Ted joined you 'd sit round having your supper and talk about it .
20 There is a special innocence in Doisneau 's photographs of children , especially during the years when he was working with a twin-lens reflex camera held at waist level .
21 One major worry was finance : in the years when deficits were avoided , it was as a result of stringent economies , such as unpaid overtime in the District Office and restrictions on the course programme .
22 Interested but not involved — except during the years when I was a member , and latterly chairman of the Crofters Commission .
23 Both Halsey and Goldthorpe ( 21 ) , ( 22 ) , separately have found that the privileged continue to be so over the years when we have claimed that educational opportunity was available to the able child .
24 The daughter of a rich Jewish textile manufacturer from Lodz , this highly intelligent woman of great charm and style had been living in Germany during the years when Hitler was coming to power , and the persecution of Jews had begun .
25 Ika , however , had a brilliant command of English , to which he was to add proficiency in several other languages during the years when he practised as a noted paediatrician in Paris .
26 Fletcher ( op. cit. ) has commented that during all the years when Bennett was studying the Scottish flora and publishing records , he did not once visit Scotland .
27 The many occasions over the years when this summit has been short of water were thus inevitable unless the level of leakage could have been reduced to an absolute minimum .
28 During the years when the elephant jibe was rife , microbial genetics was at the forefront of molecular biology .
29 In the years when Hartley was building Albert Dock and other extensions of the system , Liverpool was rapidly becoming established as the second most important port in Britain , and Albert Dock , which has outlived its usefulness , stands as a monument both to Hartley and to Liverpool 's Victorian prosperity .
30 The time and effort demanded of them may put a strain on their relationship with a partner , who may have been looking forward to the years when they could be alone again as a couple .
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