Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 For one of the activities there will be a change-round of teachers who will be engaging in a semi-specialist role .
2 By now they had walked some distance along the Haymarket , and were on the edge of Piccadilly Circus where Dr Neil was relieved to see that Stair 's party had disappeared and the crowds there had grown less .
3 But in the mid-1970s there was an acrimonious conflict between the different intelligence gathering agencies in the province .
4 In a separate study which Jenkins and Sherman quote , from the Institute of Manpower Studies at the University of Sussex , the estimate was that for there to be enough jobs created to keep unemployment down to the levels of the mid-1970s there would need to be growth in the gross domestic product ( GDP ) averaging 3.5 per cent per annum in the UK .
5 From the late 1960s to the mid-1970s there was much political debate on pensions reform and two failed attempts at legislation before the Social Security Pensions Act 1975 was passed , becoming effective in 1978 .
6 Between those two lines of the accounts there is virtually nothing but disaster .
7 Below the sandstones there is a thick sequence of tuffs and lavas , already referred to and believed to be Lower Permian .
8 In the humanities there is no decline in interest in traditional printed sources , but there is also a demand for access to new kinds of resources .
9 In the courts there may be argument as to the correct interpretation of the enactment : there must be none as to whether it should be on the Statute Book at all .
10 The classrooms were heated in winter , but in the houses there was no form of heating until we lit fires in our rooms at six in the evening .
11 Please could you let me know if the old mill chimney in the grounds of one of the houses there is a listed building and if it is not what is the correct procedure for having it listed .
12 committee , if you go downstairs you will see on the notice there a display of various things that we do , and on the windowsills there are various pieces of information free sheets that you can pick up and take away it will tell you about all sorts of issues !
13 Perhaps it 's best if I hand over now to Nick to run through the proposals there are some amendments to the one that you had as appendix one erm I do n't think any of them are too substantial .
14 In half the cases there is no history of a primary lesion at all .
15 Another report spoke of 156 cases of ovariotomy , 61 of which proved fatal , and in 60 of the cases there was no ovarian disease .
16 In the warehouses there were still some bales of fine leather and if sold to an honest dealer , they would bring in enough at least to pay off some of her father 's debts .
17 McManus confirms : ‘ The goal for any ambitious wrestler is America , the rewards there are much greater . ’
18 I 've sort of forgot about the puddings there 's blackcurrant torte up there , can you see ?
19 According to the rules there would have to be a second ballot .
20 Note : If the only remaining members would be registered foreign lawyers those members could not accept all the shares because under the Rules there must be at least one solicitor member .
21 Note : If the only remaining members would be registered foreign lawyers those members could not accept all the shares because under the Rules there must be at least one solicitor member .
22 Apart from these it is meant to account for all the reasons there can be for accepting authorities .
23 The teeth there used to be a man come down about once every three months and er where he came from I do n't know .
24 Unless they 're gon na do them on the roads there 's the motorway , that 's Manchester , unless they 're gon na do them on the roads
25 You 'll find that erm the flows there are very low .
26 You know and er the daffies there was a bad patch there last year .
27 When Iraqi Kurdish civilians were among those killed during the operations there were protests from the Iraqi government , the two Iraqi Kurdish organizations and also the German government .
28 On 4 July they entered London , although the authorities there were able to reassert themselves more rapidly than in 1381 .
29 The authorities there are so obsessed they 've already got toilet detectives ready to pounce on and arrest anyone who does n't treat public conveniences with respect .
30 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
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