Example sentences of "mud [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In deeper channels , black and highly carbonaceous muds eventually form to create anaerobic conditions .
2 Some of the visitors told their children they were made out of mud rather than say they were made from ‘ cow muck ’ .
3 It 's been in the mud somewhere .
4 Feet slithered in the mud halfway down the bank .
5 But if the mud suddenly turns oily brown , we could look forward to running our cars on Herefordshire petrol .
6 Even in rural areas , the Chinese use mud only as an immediate , practical necessity .
7 According to Captain Trentham 's report , he was picked up with a single bullet wound in his right hand while lying in the mud only a few yards in front of his own trench .
8 Came to the end of it , felt the mud below .
9 Through years of attempting to lick herself clean , for she had never quite lost her self-respect , Stripey had become as thickly coated with mud inside as out .
10 Mopping up operations began as the flood receeded , leaving mud inside as well as out .
11 Already the biggest obstacle to the dissemination of improved techniques of mud building is that scientists and housing experts have decried mud so much that even the poor , who have no alternative to mud , do not want to live in it .
12 Nuthatches , nesting in tree holes , habitually narrow the entrance by rimming it with mud so that nothing bigger than they can enter , and even the probing beak of a magpie hunting for nestlings can not reach the young within .
13 I 'm covered in a fine glossy sheen of drying mud so maybe they never got a good grip in the first place .
14 Many can forage above ground at night but they laboriously shield themselves from predators by constructing covered run-ways , and thin crusts of mud all over the vegetation they are plundering .
15 ‘ But you 're just as cold , and , ’ he added pointedly , ‘ continuing to tread mud all over a rather expensive Turkish rug — one that I 'm particularly fond of . ’
16 He had a dirty bandage above one eye , and mud all over his breeches .
17 Here is Fräulein Therese Aschmann from the theatre who has mud all over her shoes . ’
18 There was mud all over the place .
19 She did and I got mud all over it .
20 You got mud all over the bed , come and look at it
21 She scraped the mud away and revealed a piece of scrimshaw .
22 Tubifex is collected by scooping up the mud patch containing the worms , and then washing the mud away to leave clean worms which tend to gather in a tight ball .
23 A reporter in the Morning Chronicle , 24 October 1849 , describes one vividly : the mud outside , the low doorway , the dark and chill interior , the sparse and derelict furniture .
24 knowing the mud outside would add
25 He dropped the note-book in the mud just where the water came and stamped on it , grinding it in to the soft mess of leaves .
26 She did not need , while wearing boots with the mud still on them , to give the teacher an advanced lesson in maths .
27 Like something to do with mud like comes from America .
28 Mahmoud examined the mud carefully .
29 Mudskippers are only a few centimetres long and you can find them in mangrove swamps and muddy estuaries in many parts of the tropics , lying on the glistening mud well beyond the lap of the waters .
30 Come off the mud please Bryony it 's all clarty .
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