Example sentences of "deem [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I therefore urge members to agree on by whatever mechanism the financial experts deem proper , I 'll say no more than that , er to place Southern fire station firmly in the capital programme for next year and ensure revenue monies are available to enable its swift and essential opening .
2 " There exists today " , admitted Ben Tillett , " a tendency for the men to down tools at what they deem justifiable provocation .
3 Teachers who were arrogant and distant fell into this category and it is easy to see how they offend against the central principle and are deemed contemptuous .
4 An argument often made in their briefs , against random testing in particular , is that it reverses the normal presumption of innocence : an employee is deemed guilty unless he can prove himself innocent by producing ‘ clean ’ urine .
5 If what they discuss and teach is considered to be a danger to the state , they may be deemed guilty of ‘ thought crimes ’ .
6 The campaign relies on a provision in the Water Resources Act 1991 , under which company directors are deemed guilty of an offence if their company causes pollution with their " consent or connivance " or if it is " attributable to any neglect " on their part .
7 First , a variety of offences are deemed arrestable despite the fact that they do not fit into this general rule .
8 In June 1986 he unveiled a five year development programme for the occupied territories , proposing to spend $1,200 million , which depended upon funding from Jordan 's Western friends , particularly the United States and the European Community , and was focused on the development of the rural and commercial sectors , the two areas deemed least supportive of the PLO .
9 He remembers a moment when ‘ the Elves deemed that evil was ended for ever ’ but knows that ‘ it was not so ’ .
10 It is often possible to identify the characteristic eggs from a faecal sample , but regular treatment against this and other similar parasites is usually deemed preferable .
11 By 1953 his war record was forgotten ; though the British had misgivings , Zahedi was deemed preferable to the dangerous Mossadeq .
12 It seemed clear that anything more than a purely intergovernmental system of consultation and cooperation would be deemed undesirable by Britain .
13 If the Federated States wanted to join a regional arrangement deemed undesirable by the United States ( a nuclear-free zone treaty , for example ) the latter , although a third party to the negotiations or concluded agreement , could claim under this provision the right to stop them doing so .
14 Returning to the three possibilities , consider the second , where competition exists and produces tolerably efficient results , but these are deemed undesirable .
15 It is reasonable to assume , therefore , that there would be a residue of canine stock , who for one reason or another would be deemed unsuitable to die for the perverted pleasure of the gloating Roman nobility .
16 Thus profiling is always likely to be seen as of peripheral importance to the academically able , central only to those who have already been deemed unsuitable for further or higher education .
17 Also , various children deemed unsuitable for fostering — because of behaviour problems or physical handicaps , for example , or because there are strong ties with the natural parents — can be accommodated , together with those who have had a foster placement breakdown .
18 Three of these had discontinued treatment themselves after only a few days and failed to keep further appointments , one was found to have severe total colonic disease on colonoscopy , and one was found to have Crohn 's disease ; none of these five patients had side effects from treatment and were deemed unsuitable for analysis .
19 A further eight patients with villous adenomas but no evidence of malignant change were deemed unsuitable for the study and were given laser treatment only .
20 SO Sarah Ferguson is deemed unsuitable for life as a Royal it seems to me many of the ‘ real ’ Royals are equally unsuitable .
21 The material taken out of the higher point of the site was deemed unsuitable for use at the lower end .
22 " That they secure every person in whose family or possession Stolen goods are found , & Commit them to Killarow Prison , & secure all their Effects , and that they Call for Assistants , & such as refuse to report the same , who are to be fyned in Ten pund for each refusal & Deemed Dishonest . "
23 " That they secure every person in whose family or possession Stolen goods are found , & Commit them to Killarow Prison , & secure all their Effects , and that they Call for Assistants , & such as refuse to report the same , who are to be fyned in Ten pund for each refusal & Deemed Dishonest . "
24 Among the reasons for these large numbers are that there is no right of appeal from the Immigration Appeal Tribunal to the courts ; that from many decisions by immigration officers adverse to immigrants , an appeal can be made only from outside the United Kingdom ; and that from some decisions ( such as some exclusions deemed conducive to the public good by the Secretary of State ) there are no rights of appeal at all .
25 Section 674 deems that income for tax purposes to be the income of Mr A. The income of £50,000 is amalgamated with the £100,000 and Mr A is assessed accordingly .
26 It is not possible to argue that Part XV of the Taxes Act 1988 deems that interest to belong to the American .
27 Only then can it be deemed unnecessary and removed .
28 It was deemed unnecessary , though , as Johann Styger held his own against Jeff Probyn at Bristol .
29 It will probably be passed alto to a small committee of the European Parliament , but the Parliament has already voted by a large majority in favour of a ban and a further reference may be deemed unnecessary .
30 The sense of " Englishness " that English came to signify was apparently so free of any narrow patriotism or overtly nationalist or imperialist politics that any debate about the meaning of the term itself was deemed unnecessary until quite recently .
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