Example sentences of "shall take " in BNC.

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1 He is ‘ a villain ’ , but ‘ tragic ’ , and Dostoevsky continues in his most pushy vein , anxious that Katkov shall take notice , ‘ I have taken him from my heart ’ .
2 It so happens that this troublesome question , or complex of questions , is not raised by the piece in Eliot 's selection that I shall take to represent Pound 's criticism at its irreplaceable best .
3 For the first time in this book we shall take a closer look at one branch of the proletariat .
4 I shall take her away ; I shall take her abroad and that 's final . ’
5 I shall take her away ; I shall take her abroad and that 's final . ’
6 It is like saying ‘ when we have restored our credibility , we shall take firm steps to restore our credibility ’ .
7 My beautiful villa — when it has been built I shall take my holidays there , no airport delays and no traffic jams , just taking tea with my little finger up and Dorothy Wordsworth on my lap .
8 And on the eighth day she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest , to the door of the tent of meeting .
9 I can look after her , Dorothea thought , and we will do the garden together , I shall take on a new lease of life .
10 The sun is shining , it 's a beautiful day , we 'll throw our sandwiches discreetly away and I shall take you to lunch at the Lur Inn . ’
11 We shall take tea at six .
12 Next week I shall take my wife over every inch of this lovely island , which I and my cousin consecrated many years ago , when our destiny seemed assured and likely to be shared .
13 I have now , through your lordship 's favour , the satisfaction of seeing them cultivated in my neighbourhood , by the skilful hand of my friend , Mr. Miller , and shall take the first opportunity of describing and engraving them that the public may see how much they are indebted to your lordship .
14 So far as its origin is concerned , we shall take it as a factor in organic evolution , and shall content ourselves with pointing out certain more primitive features of which it is the natural development .
15 In the Single European Act of 1986 there is a proviso that ‘ the institutions of the Community shall take care not to prejudice the internal or external financial stability of the member states ’ .
16 The Insured Person shall take such steps for the recovery of his/her property as if he/she were not insured and take all ordinary and reasonable precautions for the safe keeping of the property insured .
17 I shall take evidence of discovery and identity — if you have determined it by then .
18 I shall take the odd break from coffee mornings to engage in militant breastfeeding in some prominent spot in a major department store .
19 I shall take up this point shortly .
20 I shall take advice .
21 I shall take as my starting point a television programme I imagine many of you will have seen recently .
22 I shall take your Christmas pudding with me , and the box of dates too , and I shall tell them all how you came this morning with presents and decorations and then found the mistletoe for me !
23 If anyone tries to escape the guards will shoot and they are all very good shots ; also I shall take away the trousers of those who have not escaped . ’
24 We now shall take up an issue that has been touched on several times before : power transformation of the scale of a variable in order to make its analysis easier .
25 Prototype materials were tried out in these schools with the help of field curriculum workers ( mobile teacher trainers whose story we shall take up in a later chapter ) and later refined and distributed in final form to a further eight hundred schools with a similar scale of supervision , in the hope that these would serve as a nucleus in each state for further dissemination to other schools .
26 I shall take Zoe back to Lourdes as soon as she takes her first step as I know she will .
27 Next month we start a short series about renewable energy ; In part one we shall take an overview of the topic and look in some detail at the direct use of solar power .
28 ‘ I shall take Rosie or Violet and try to get through the drifts and reach Aumery Park Farm . ’
29 ‘ And if the old skinflint wo n't give it to me I shall take it just the same .
30 I shall take this point up again in Chapters 9 and 10 .
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