Example sentences of "lead towards " in BNC.

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1 He passed along several narrow alleyways , the tight , over-crowded vicoli that led towards Via Crispi where his pensione was situated .
2 Creed told him to take a right turn , down a narrow track that led towards the ocean .
3 Ybreska vaulted over the low , crumbling wall surrounding the old churchyard on to the rough pitted track which led towards Tbilisi .
4 Cutting round to the right and following the track northeastwards , I came down a path that led towards the Occupation Road via the Megger Stones .
5 But still it 's an important paper that sort of broke away from a lot of the traditional thinking and led towards a lot more feminist stuff .
6 As he followed the path that led towards it between bare-branched shrubs and sturdy evergreens , he fancied for a moment that he would come upon Morpurgo and find him a replica of himself , some doppelgänger of Dysart 's devising planted here in England whilst he had been banished to Rhodes .
7 We were now on the glossy blacktop that led towards the army laundry , Rosa 's old creche .
8 A short time later they were making their way along the road that led beyond the property , and had not travelled far before Silas turned the minibus along a side-road that led towards the boundary .
9 Doreen and Silas were still where she had left them , making two shadowy figures in the moonlight , and , even as she watched , they moved in the direction of the road that led towards the highway .
10 He followed Creed 's directions , leaving the road for an unpaved track that seemed to lead towards the ocean .
11 Now there were new forces at work and they tended to lead towards a less traditional form of realism .
12 Since Yugoslav support for the Soviet navy is based less on coordination in security policy than on commercial interest it is not regarded by Belgrade as likely to lead towards a form of alignment with Moscow .
13 X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques continue to provide important clues , leading towards an understanding of the remarkable specificity of enzymatic catalysis .
14 Any ‘ stable world ’ it presents is further overwhelmed by the progressive revelation that each narrator exists only as an imaginative device of a subsequent one , in a succession of evasions leading towards the unnamable author and the depths of an impulse to articulate , which can neither rest nor ever consummate its desires .
15 Much of literature today … functions in the PRE-TEXT conditions , leading towards the potential text ’ ( Federman 1976a : 564 ) .
16 There are also more recent drugs and a radically different approach , based on advances immunology , is leading towards the development of vaccines .
17 The second subject was that two dry winters are inevitably leading towards a summer of water shortages .
18 These are some of the ideas which were mentioned on that occasion and which will be met in many other different contexts , leading towards a real understanding of them .
19 This is leading towards the idea of ‘ invariance of mass ’ — there is still the same amount even though it has changed form .
20 Ideas leading towards mathematical concepts can be gained from all the toys and apparatus .
21 Even as he made back up towards it , half pulling , half swimming along the line leading towards the rapidly swelling shape that he knew was his raft , the water he was in turned solid , sweeping him effortlessly to one side .
22 All of the attainment targets can be assessed at various levels , with corresponding programmes of study leading towards them .
23 It may be considered as a transitional stage between attendance at a special school and full integration into mainstream education , or as a stage leading towards more intensive specialised provision .
24 Leave the summit walking south and look out for a shallow gully leading towards a steep grass slope beside a burn and on to Glenlicht House .
25 This would of itself set off ecumenical vibrations such that , although it could not be called a ‘ Council of reunion ’ like Florence , it could be a Council leading towards what he called ‘ the recomposition of the whole mystical flock of Christ ’ .
26 Strong trends towards specialisation within hospital medical and surgical departments , leading towards excellent treatment for some conditions and a relative neglect of others .
27 In Mozambique , the church has been playing a positive role in the process leading towards peaceful change in that country .
28 After an eight-day voyage to Iceland and a wait for good weather , the party made the four-day trip from Reykjavik to Kangerdlugssuaq , a fjord leading towards their objective .
29 As I struck northwards , climbing heavily towards Barbondale , I looked back and saw the river Lune cut like a golden scratch on the face of the earth leading towards Morecambe Bay , the far fells of the Lake District just visible through the afternoon light .
30 Here is her footprint on the path leading towards the city .
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