Example sentences of "get fat " in BNC.

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1 Robin Howard , mitigating , said his clients had not got fat through this scam — it was merely to stay solvent during the worst years of the recession .
2 Robin Howard , mitigating , said his clients had not got fat through this scam — it was merely to stay solvent during the worst years of the recession .
3 ‘ I 've got fat . ’
4 They thought she had got fat , a good advert , on the succulent nosh .
5 Sir Alan will be fired before the goose gets fat .
6 He accepts voluntary inactivity and as a result gets fat .
7 What 's unfair is , it 's only me he says things about getting fat to , not my brother .
8 A third reason why dieting makes you fat is because fat is less metabolically active than muscle … the one sure way to slow the body down and so create the conditions for getting fat is to go on a diet
9 Ironically , it was a case of an out-of-work actor getting fat , then starting work and starving . )
10 CHRISTMAS is coming but for some people the goose is n't getting fat .
11 Them that caused this war and them that 's getting fat on it should be made to fight it out between them , not our fellers . ’
12 She was getting fat when I lived with her , she 's probably huge now .
13 As Debbie observed , she could eat and eat and not worry about getting fat .
14 Scrap Scrap 's getting fat .
15 That my face was getting fat ?
16 Little old women in mink shawls getting fat on pastries , resting their aching feet from tramping miles of John Lewis 's carpet looking for a tablecloth .
17 I never used to worry about getting fat , I supposed that 's one reason I did so much over-eating and got to be 13 ½ stone , which is massive when you 're 5ft 2ins !
18 She 's getting fat .
19 When she started getting fat .
20 I think she 's going off it a bit so I said oh well I 'll come and have a chat and I said listen , I said , I realize you you 've got a lot of school work and that and you 've got your boyfriend , I said , but there is now way that you 're gon na let him stand in the field , getting fat and getting old you 've got
21 The methods of weight control we outline in this book will mean that you can eat reasonable , even large amounts of food , and not get fat , once you have achieved your correct weight .
22 What actually does happen , in most cases , is that either you do not lose the weight in the first place , or , if you do , it is on a difficult diet and when it finishes you get fat once again .
23 I have fallen in love with American names , The sharp names that never get fat , The snakeskin-titles of mining claims , The plumed war-bonnet of Medicine Hat , Tucson and Deadwood and Lost Mule Flat .
24 On the other hand , if you 're married to somebody for forty years and they get fat , you do n't just divorce them because they get fat .
25 On the other hand , if you 're married to somebody for forty years and they get fat , you do n't just divorce them because they get fat .
26 You can have your cake and eat it ; the only trouble is , you get fat .
27 he must of done Arthur , he moved and pulled everything , he 's ever such a good boy , he 's says to ya , I do n't know why he says but I can eat as much as I can , said I never get fat , I said I know why you do n't get fat
28 Mum is always positive about me ; she says , ‘ You do n't need to diet ’ , but Dad says things like ‘ You should n't drink so much milk , you 'll get fat . ’
29 At this she cut herself a narrow wedge from the pie , and when her mother turned round from the oven and looked at her plate , she remarked , ‘ You wo n't get fat on that .
30 ‘ You 'll get fat , Bob . ’
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