Example sentences of "[being] responsible for the " in BNC.

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1 He was a designer of extraordinary versatility , being responsible for the standard ‘ traditional ’ red telephone kiosk , Waterloo Bridge and several power stations .
2 When the Labour Cabinet , in August 1931 , failed to agree on an economy programme , Ramsay MacDonald , in his own words , ‘ strove hard and took great risks in being responsible for the delay , to keep the Government in , because no National Government of any kind is the sort of thing that I should support of my own free choice . '
3 The owners who undertook the conversion of Place Barn were Mr and Mrs J. de Geus — Mrs Ann de Geus being responsible for the concept and much of the detailed design of the conversion .
4 The seven Chakras , or energy vortex centres , are interconnected — each Chakra being responsible for the distribution of life-energy , received from the environment via the energy body or ‘ causal body ’ — to a respective organ of the endocrine system .
5 As Chief Inspector of Accidents it was within my domain to agree or reject the proposal , so Geoffrey Holton telephoned me at my home that Sunday morning and I immediately agreed to the UK being responsible for the investigation .
6 The difference between this and the more probabilistic version of determinism is in what it is that is seen as being responsible for the ‘ looseness ’ of the association .
7 They were seen as being responsible for the real problems that confront ordinary citizens .
8 Being responsible for the birth of a child is one of the most important events in which a human being can be involved .
9 The dock company , being responsible for the port 's facilities had control of the Gillingham Gate , the only access to the port and , therefore , all vehicles going to and from the port had to use Bridge Road and Medway Road .
10 Sec. and Chairman being responsible for the counting .
11 Coffee regards risk aversion as being responsible for the construction of bloated , inefficient mega-firms in the 1960s , in turn creating the setting for the wave of ‘ bust-up ’ take-overs of the late 1980s .
12 The 1980s saw a number of reports on community care that cited low funding and poor planning and coordination of projects as being responsible for the lack of a developed community care initiative to support all people , including the elderly , in the community in their own homes .
13 Thus patients ' analgesic response to morphine appears to depend on their 3-glucuronide:6-glucuronide ratio , the 6-glucuronide being responsible for the analgesic effect .
14 As with civil servants , officers in local government have both a managerial role — being responsible for the efficient running of their department- and a policy-advisory function .
15 He was first put in charge of the tunnels and other works between Bristol and Bath , as well as being responsible for the manufacture of coke at the company 's Bristol works , where he initiated several important improvements .
16 Departments , being responsible for the subjects in which modules are taught , have information needs at the subject committee level .
17 The whole eruption probably lasted only about 100 days , but was long accepted as being responsible for the destruction of the Minoan civilisation on Crete , 60 miles away .
18 Wearily he checked the table china , the hotel staff being responsible for the less venerable Literary Lionisers .
19 Balfour & Sibbald were co-founders of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh , and Balfour is also credited with being responsible for the introduction of the paper-making industry into Scotland .
20 Emec , who was regarded as a conservative , had spoken out publicly against religious fundamentalism and had accused Syria of being responsible for the rising wave of terrorism .
21 It was established that Talb , while in Malta , had met Hafez Dalkammoni , a leading member of Ahmed Jabril 's Damascus-based Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command ( PFLP-GC ) , which was suspected by US intelligence of being responsible for the Lockerbie bombing .
22 Finance Minister Barend du Plessis defended the right of the NP to hold the rally , and accused Terreblanche of being responsible for the deaths .
23 If the users participate more , perhaps being responsible for the design , then they are far more likely to be satisfied with and be committed to the system once it is implemented .
24 This meant that the book not only had to pass general political censorship , commonly known as glavlit , the main obstacle for works of fiction ; it also had to be approved by the relevant government institutions , the Ministry of Atomic Energy , whose senior officials were named by Medvedev as being responsible for the accident .
25 He was also strongly opposed to the CNAA being responsible for the development of a rival system to that of the universities , rather than the safety net for the universities that he had envisaged .
26 Acetylcholine is known to be cotransmitted with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide at the synapse between the sympathetic nerve and the sweat gland , vasoactive intestinal polypeptide probably being responsible for the local vasodilation which is necessary for a normal sweat response .
27 The two bodies would occupy a central position , being responsible for the monitoring of water and air , the setting of standards and the regulation of emissions and discharges .
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