Example sentences of "[being] [adv] responsible for " in BNC.

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1 Each string , then , is associated in the player 's mind with a definite note , which is played on the same string whether it is flat , sharp , or natural , the pedals being alone responsible for the chromatic alterations .
2 He had a deeply rooted fear of being personally responsible for any diminution at all in the lands committed to his care .
3 Twenty-eight replies to the ‘ worst things ’ question mentioned housework or its monotonous , boring quality as the most disliked dimension ; a further six described negatively the women 's feeling of being constantly responsible for home and children .
4 It was my first experience of being totally responsible for trying to get funds , selling people the idea and overseeing the building . "
5 The district councils being usually responsible for drawing up detailed local plans in accordance with policies defined in the structure plans .
6 Ten have been moved to other jobs , including the senior signalman , Mr Brian Hemingway , who was named as being directly responsible for the faulty wiring at Clapham Junction .
7 Via central training departments and other inter-authority groups specifically designed to assist training , such as Local Government Training Boards ; funding/staffing library departments , sometimes being directly responsible for the allocating of funds on training ; and by funding other organizations that may ultimately contribute to training in libraries .
8 In addition , the justice minister of the self-proclaimed republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina has accused Yugoslav TV 's editor-in-chief , Goran Milic , of being directly responsible for committing genocide on the Serbian people .
9 But he continued to serve her mother , being partly responsible for the tragedy of the duchess 's lady-in-waiting , Lady Flora Hastings [ q.v. ] , who died of a tumour while suspected of being pregnant by Conroy .
10 ‘ You ca n't possibly … you ca n't leave me here , in New York , alone with the children ! ’ she exclaimed helplessly , panicking at the thought of being solely responsible for the two little girls .
11 But also the party system itself is credited by MacPherson as being chiefly responsible for the preservation of the institution of private property and the market mechanism , notwithstanding the extension of the franchise which took place during the nineteenth century .
12 Thus , whereas classicism 's image of human nature portrayed all human beings as being fully responsible for their own actions , Bentham saw criminals as having limited rationality and responsibility , but thought that they could be made more rational by the correct application of reformative techniques in his ‘ mill for grinding rogues honest ’ , as he called the Panopticon .
13 Page being primarily responsible for the poems of Meleager and Gow for all the rest .
14 Short-term money market accounts yielding high interest were abolished , to be replaced by a " Social Development Fund " where short-term money would be pooled to finance the debts of state and local government , blamed by the government as being primarily responsible for driving up the money supply .
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