Example sentences of "[adj -est] rates of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From 1978 to 1981 the heaviest rates of manufacturing job loss were found in two types of area in the North : metropolitan areas and steel-making counties ( Figure 5.3A ) .
2 The lowest rates of smoking are found among the population aged 60 and over ( see Table 6.8 ) .
3 However , Ulster has one of the lowest rates of breast-feeding in Europe , he says .
4 BRITAIN has the lowest rates of car driver and passenger deaths in Europe , according to statistics published yesterday .
5 The worst rates of loss were in the Welsh steel making counties of West Glamorgan ( -31.4 per cent ) and Clwyd ( -27.7 per cent ) , followed by Strathclyde ( 26.6 per cent ) , Merseyside ( -24.2 per cent ) and Durham ( -23.8 per cent ) .
6 The Chocolate Fudge drink has a very similar sugar content , according to health chiefs in the North West , which has the worst rates of tooth decay in Britain .
7 These losses all exceed what would be ‘ expected ’ from the areas ' detailed industrial structure ( which would have forecast the greatest rates of decline in Gwent , West Glamorgan and South Yorkshire ) , and the balances can be mapped as ‘ differential shifts ’ ( Figure 5.3B ) .
8 The greatest rates of deforestation occurred in Latin America , followed by Africa and Asia .
9 Rates of pay for what is a stressful job were extremely low , starting at £1.20 an hour : three-quarters of the unqualified workforce received £2.00 an hour or less and the highest rates of pay were well below £3.00 an hour .
10 The less well off do receive transfer payments and the rich face the highest rates of income tax .
11 The gall bladder epithelium has one of the highest rates of water absorption of body tissues , which is achieved by the coupling of active sodium transport and passive water absorption .
12 As a country , if we all ate a lower-fat , and less-processed diet , Britain would not have one of the world 's highest rates of heart disease .
13 The highest rates of increase during 1987 were in the USA , the Soviet Union and China , with the last-named recording a 4.8 per cent rise .
14 An example of the futility of pouring money uncontrolledly into a service is given by the United States , which has one of the highest rates of infection with the sexually transmitted diseases , one of the highest rates of resistance among its gonococci , and one of the highest , if not the highest , budgets for research and education into these diseases in the world .
15 Low-class hookers , who charge no more than 50 baht ( $2 ) a time and entertain as many as 20 customers a day , had the highest rates of infection .
16 An example of the futility of pouring money uncontrolledly into a service is given by the United States , which has one of the highest rates of infection with the sexually transmitted diseases , one of the highest rates of resistance among its gonococci , and one of the highest , if not the highest , budgets for research and education into these diseases in the world .
17 In Guatemala , grass roots organisations are battling against the highest rates of infant mortality , malnutrition and illiteracy in Central America .
18 The highest rates of growth were at intermediary and secondary levels ( thirteen to eighteen years ) though , as in many other African countries , this growth was from a very low baseline .
19 New and expanded towns experienced the highest rates of population growth in the 1950s and 1960s , but in absolute terms it was the medium-sized cities , like Bristol , Leicester , and Southampton , which made the biggest contribution to overall population increase .
20 El Salvador has suffered from one of the highest rates of population growth in the under-developed world .
21 The highest rates of self-poisoning were among those who received antidepressants and minor tranquillizers .
22 The highest rates of unemployment remained concentrated in areas of heavy industry , including coal mining , mechanical engineering , ship building , textiles , and iron and steel manufacture .
23 Consequently , the highest rates of unemployment occur in the inner urban areas — in some cases almost 40 per cent at a time when general unemployment levels , according to the official figures , are about 6 per cent .
24 The data show that the largest deforested area is in Central and South America where some of the highest rates of loss are occurring .
25 With one of the highest rates of college and university entry in the world it appears that those who get to elite positions , do so through individual effort , and merit is thus properly rewarded .
26 The area 's inhabitants suffer from one of the highest rates of asthma in the country , with well-above-average incidence of premature deaths from lung cancer and bronchitis .
27 Mexico has one of the highest rates of alcoholism in the world , which appears to be the result of the coincidence of traditional and modern advertisement-inspired modes of behaviour .
28 More than 70 per cent of murder cases were solved in 1988 and the highest rates of detection were recorded among ‘ offences against the state ’ , including the Northern Ireland Emergency Provisions Act and firearms legislation .
29 One consequence of the British housing system is that although young Britons leave home relatively late by European standards , they have some of the highest rates of owner-occupation in the world .
30 It is widely believed that the United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of crime , whereas it has one of the lowest in the western world .
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