Example sentences of "[adj -est] i have ever " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The ride is firm , but there 's no body roll and the engine is just about the sweetest I 've ever had . ’
2 When I cleaned it up , I found it to be in really good condition and one of the nicest I have ever seen come out of the river .
3 It was the largest I had ever seen , split up into walled units , ten of them Ward had said , and when I reached the western limit of it I was face to face with the heaving bulk of the ocean .
4 The flood of almost 3D colour and composition was one of the finest I 've ever seen for colour flow .
5 The flood of almost 3D colour and composition was one of the finest I 've ever seen for colour flow .
6 The heaviest I 've ever been in me life is thirteen stone .
7 His Debussy Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune was the strangest I have ever heard : drably overcast , not so much seductive as comatose , and so deathly slow that audible flute breaths were essential in the pauses .
8 That 's the worst I 've ever had mind .
9 So he said I can honestly say he said I think he 's one of the worst I 've ever had down there .
10 Erm erm and then he was going spare and he says these are the worst I 've ever received in all the years I 've been teaching , right ?
11 He was told : ‘ No sooner had I got out my tools than there was a violent thunderstorm , the worst I have ever known .
12 Lundgren 's Maximum Potential video is ‘ the worst I have ever seen ’ , says physiotherapist Wendy Green .
13 Next morning the sky had cleared but the winds had increased and the remainder of that 300 mile flight from Swift Current to Calgary was the roughest I have ever experienced before or since .
14 The girl brought me soup and then my trout , the best and freshest I had ever tasted , though the potatoes that accompanied it were not so good .
15 The building was the dirtiest I had ever seen , with broken windows and dusty doors .
16 Here I see few flowers , save such as water bubbles , though the fields & country generally are the richest I have ever seen .
17 It was coming at me like a bullet , head shaking , lips curled back , teeth long and yellow and by far the biggest I 'd ever seen on a rabbit , live or dead .
18 ‘ It was a huge row , one of the biggest I have ever seen in the group .
19 ‘ Looking back on the time when I was really big , around 1979 , I was the saddest and most miserablest I 've ever been .
20 The best I 've ever had .
21 Roland R-5 drum machine ‘ I do n't program rhythms into it , but I think the pads are the best I 've ever used .
22 And after his heroics , Warne said : ‘ It would have to be close to the best I 've ever bowled .
23 ‘ That right is a natural punch for me and could be the best I 've ever thrown , it felt so good and I did n't get any shock at all up my arm .
24 Francis was not totally disconsolate and added : ‘ The way our fans came behind us is the best I 've ever heard it here , and I hope it continues .
25 Many of the older folk will remember Bobby Whale , who ran a fried fish shop from his house in Kent Road , and old Mrs Poysden whose toffee apples were the best I 've ever tasted .
26 ‘ The pet shop , ’ she announced , ‘ is one of the best I 've ever seen .
27 The track is the best I 've ever seen .
28 The best I 've ever had .
29 The best I 've ever been ! and they went back .
30 At the US Open at Shinnecock Hills he played the best I 'd ever seen him play — probably even better than he was going to in the British Open .
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