Example sentences of "[Wh pn] lived [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She had been born in India , where her father was stationed with the Air Force , but after her parents separated she was brought up by her mother , who lived with another woman in Northampton .
2 For instance , this year there will be a film marking the centenary of Leo Walmsley , the novelist who lived for many years at Robin Hood 's Bay .
3 Aislabie , who lived for most of his adult life at Lee Place , Eltham , Kent , and at East Park Place , Regent 's Park , died at this latter residence 2 June 1842 .
4 And all the time you were n't really there , you were somewhere else entirely , and the funniest part of it was that you ended up looking like a pro , like a model who lived for these moments in the public eye .
5 Bottcher Strawalde is an artist who lived for several decades in the shadow of the Berlin Wall ( the film was discovered or rediscovered by Parisians a month ago at the Jeu de Paume ) .
6 An inquest has heard that a baby boy , who lived for less than an hour , could have died because of injuries caused by forceps used during his birth .
7 The late Miss Pepper , who lived for some years at The Bield , spoke of the ‘ throwing up ’ of fleeces during clipping to a helper on the gallery .
8 The story of Hereward was later popularised by the novelist Charles Kingsley ( 1819–1875 ) , who lived for some years at Barnack Rectory , about four miles to the south-east of Stamford .
9 The teller is Jack Page who lived at All Saints , Halesworth in Suffolk :
10 Another risk is that when information is filed under address a consumer may be refused credit not because of his own record but because the record of some other person who lived at that address .
11 At Key Stage 2 , with older pupils , the enquiry can easily be pushed back to the Victorian Age , when pupils are now faced with the " problem " that all the people who lived at that time are now dead .
12 How the quite respectable people who lived under these conditions managed to bring up families , I shall never know .
13 Anybody who lived through that time in Oswaldston will have a lot of memories of it-some of them bitter , some of them funny .
14 However , it 's impossible for anyone who lived through those times to settle down to cosy domesticity , the world without adventure that Marius Goring offers Shearer .
15 Most of us who lived through those times will , I believe , never forget the impact made by their unique hair styles and the famous jackets with no collars .
16 Then four brothers turned up in a bus and killed three brothers who lived in that house next door .
17 The dust burned ; as did any populace who lived in that plate , supposing they had survived the plunge of their factory-homes .
18 The Council 's rehoused everyone who lived in that street . ’
19 The death threats had been provoked by Motoshima 's suggestion in December 1988 that Emperor Hirohito ( who was at the time dying of cancer ) bore some responsibility , " as do all of us who lived in that period " , for Japan 's role in the Pacific War of 1941-45 .
20 Floy began to have the sensation that he was being watched , not by Balor or Snodgrass , but by other creatures , creatures who lived in this huge , dark forest , and crept out only under cover of darkness …
21 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
22 just to exist , was a very hard one , but they were home and many of those who lived in these remote parts had probably never been further away than the nearest celebration of Holy Communion .
23 This lady has spent many years studying the life of the people who lived in these parts in former times . ’
24 The yeomen , husbandmen and craftsmen who lived in these tenements had mostly just a single fireplace in their timber-framed houses at the time of the hearth tax return of 1672 .
25 who lived in these house plus I should think about
26 The historical texts were confined to enumerating the kings who lived in those troubled years and do not give any indication that something important was occurring at that time .
27 As you tuck into your corn flakes , with all those added vitamins , spare a thought for those who lived before such luxuries were dreamed of .
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