Example sentences of "[Wh pn] are drawn [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Klima may perhaps be a common name in Czechoslovakia , and Kundera has become a common name in the conversation of Western readers , who are drawn to these reciprocal concerns of his .
2 They are a minority who are drawn to football as a means of fighting ; they go seeking ‘ aggro ’ and are half-admired , half-feared by the bulk of young fans .
3 Nicol , one assumes , will be given the chance to prolong his celebrations by slotting immediately into the Scotland seven who are drawn in one of four pools with Western Samoa , Vanuatu and local Fijian district , Nadroga — selecting from more than 50 clubs and far removed from pushovers .
4 A few weeks later there appeared a letter to the then prestigious Pall Mall Gazette from Sickert praising the move because there are more clothed than naked people in the world , they display a greater variety of shapes and colours , drawing or painting them does not require the high temperature ‘ which is extremely injurious to young people , and to women of whom the classes largely consist ’ and , most piquantly , because ‘ the absence of the nude model will eliminate a certain number of students who are drawn by mere curiosity . ’
5 They are represented by an elected general council of music publishers and writers who are drawn from a cross-section of the music profession ( classical , popular , rock , TV , films , advertising ) .
6 Like many local constituency Conservative party officers , who are drawn from the professions and small business , Mrs Thatcher is self-made and does not come from one of the traditional Tory interests — business , land , or a political family .
7 Martyn Moxon captains the England A side , who are drawn from the party who recently returned from the Caribbean tour , with Hugh Morris as his deputy .
8 Similar observations could be made about front-line paraprofessionals in all the countries we studied who are drawn from local communities or who share common experiences and characteristics with client groups .
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