Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had previously [be] " in BNC.

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1 Many low caste people who had previously been craft workers turned to farm work , and as farmworkers they had to be paid not in the old feudal terms but an amount definitely related to the work they did .
2 Seeing the way the debate was going , the health spokesmen of the Labour Party , Michael Meacher , and of the SDP , Mike Thomas , who had previously been urging me to make economies in the drugs bill , jumped overboard and joined the critics .
3 While the election of Paisley was a major blow to the credibility of Chichester-Clark , who might have been better advised to save face by not becoming personally involved in opposing Paisley , William Beattie 's victory in South Antrim was probably more damaging in that Beattie was far less well known , was standing in a more cosmopolitan constituency , and was competing against a man who had previously been a cabinet minister .
4 When Clifford Smyth was persuaded to resign from the DUP , he also felt obliged to leave the Free Presbyterian Church , not because the leadership of the Church suggested it , but because he felt a tension between himself and other congregation members who had previously been political colleagues .
5 The second group , of those — even including some Party members — who had previously been apathetic or negatively disposed towards the Party , thought that the time had now come when they could air their feelings .
6 After Independence , Partition and the departure of most British and Muslim cadres from the ICS , Nehru , the new Prime Minister , who had previously been less than sympathetic to the ICS , came increasingly to depend upon men such as Pillai , who — embodying the Service 's traditions of discretion and loyalty — had no difficulty in serving a new master .
7 The drive to an industrialised Britain brought many people from the villages to the towns , and alerted the authorities to the widespread presence of mentally handicapped people who had previously been contained within farming communities and cared for by their families .
8 At school leaving age , parents who had previously been able to cope with a child attending or possibly boarding at a special school are faced with the continuing prospect of full time life with their mentally handicapped son or daughter who may be unable to find a place in a training centre or enter full time education .
9 The City Flour Mills later came into the hands of Reynolds and Allen who had previously been working a number of other sites and had , since 1863 , been working Stratford Mills in Stroud .
10 Lastly , there was Gordon Alston who had previously been in Benghazi when the town had been under British control .
11 The man who had previously been compared to a dissected rabbit ( Barry Egan , NME ) and a pale , sad faced , First World War Volunteer ( John Peel , The Observer ) , found himself as a viable alternative to Brother Beyond , Wet Wet Wet and the Goss twins , for a bedroom wall appearance .
12 It is recorded somewhat ruefully that , after years of struggle , when the Veterinarian had won its fight to get the course lengthened , students who had previously been apprenticed for three or four years to a practitioner claimed they at least ought to be able to leave the College after 12 months , and not have to stay the same period — two years — as the non-apprenticed .
13 Davidson , who had previously been married for a total of less than five years to three different wives , said after falling for Tracie that she had made a new man of him .
14 Mr Doogan — who had previously been let in to the site at Aldermaston , Berks — claimed a new rule banned Irish people .
15 By means of the co-operatives patients who had previously been subject to institutional peonage — payment of token wages in exchange for hospital work — have been able to earn wages comparable with those in the wider economy .
16 Nor was there a difference in the proportion of those committing suicide who had previously been in touch with the psychiatric service .
17 But whatever its humble origins , when the new word was picked up by the newspapers in August 1898 it was quickly transformed into a term of more general notoriety , so that ‘ Hooligan ’ and ‘ Hooliganism ’ became the controlling words to describe troublesome youths who had previously been known more loosely as ‘ street arabs ’ , ‘ ruffians ’ or ‘ roughs ’ .
18 As the news of the quarrel between the Old King 's sons spread , those who had been defeated last year took fresh courage , while others like Geoffrey of Lusignan , who had previously been too cautious to join the revolt , now decided that their moment had come .
19 It was created and then given to the town in the last century by Massey — first name , and how fittingly , Placide — who had previously been the gardener in charge of the orangery of Versailles and at the Jar din tea Plantes in Paris .
20 Treatment was continued by the clinical psychologist who had previously been treating W. Whilst at this unit W. displayed violence towards the staff and began injuring herself by picking her skin .
21 Of the three quarters ( 78 per cent ) of those registering as unemployed who had previously been in work , only six per cent volunteered that they had become unemployed as the result of a temporary job coming to an end .
22 Some 21 per cent of all flows into unemployment by men who had previously been employed were accounted for in this way , slightly more than were accounted for by redundancy ( 20 per cent ) or dissatisfaction with pay or conditions ( 19 per cent ) and considerably more than were accounted for by dismissals ( 10 per cent ) ( Wood , 1982 ) .
23 One of them , certainly , was Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze , who had previously been party first secretary in Georgia .
24 His second wife was Joan , daughter of William of Standon , who had previously been married to Bartholomew de Briaunzon .
25 In 1847 Darby and other Brethren who had previously been critical , both of his eschatology and his authoritarian style of leadership , accused Newton of Christological heresy .
26 The outcome of the strike and its immediate consequences was that for almost the first time many people , including politicians in the Republic , who had previously been unconvinced were now satisfied that the majority of people in Northern Ireland would not accept a united Ireland and wished to have another election before their future was again discussed .
27 Sinan ( Emir Hasan ) , who appears to have served continuously from 959/1552 to Shawwal 964/August 1557 and who had previously been kadi of Aleppo : It is worth noting that the kadiliks in the list are divided into two distinct grades — though if Hezarfen is right , they do not seem to correspond , at least in the way one would expect , to " 300- and 500-akce " kadiliks — and it is no$ impossible that the order as given above represents the order of precedence , with Istanbul at the top and Baghdad at the bottom .
28 Many advocates of the title ‘ revolution ’ see the period achieving a positive result , liberating groups of people who had previously been kept ‘ voiceless ’ by political disenfranchisement .
29 There were nine women in the 19-member cabinet appointed by Brundtland , who had previously been Prime Minister in 1981 and in 1986-89 [ see pp. 30748 ; 31246-47 ; 34502-03 ; 36984-85 ] .
30 Arraigned on the same charge , Ren Wanding , the veteran human rights activist , who had previously been imprisoned for four years for his activities in the 1978-79 Democracy Movement , was given a more severe seven-year sentence with three years ' deprivation of political rights , having refused to show repentance for his " grave " crimes .
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