Example sentences of "[ex0] [be] evidence that " in BNC.

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1 In Britton , the actions of the defendant took place late at night , and at some distance from the street , and the court took the view that these facts militated against calling this a distribution , although it said that had there been evidence that the documents were visible to whoever passed by , this might amount to publication , with which the particular defendant had not been charged .
2 If there were evidence that the picture was stolen or pillaged , then obviously our attitude towards it would be rather different from what it is ’ .
3 According to the Office of Fair Trading , there 's evidence that some building societies choose firms that bring them mortgage business in return , so your estate agent may be tempted to steer you towards a building society that he needs to butter up .
4 There 's evidence that he was proposing to sleep further along the passage in the larger vestry . ’
5 People using the ABTA scheme thought awards were too small and there 's evidence that arbitrators awarded lower sums than the County Court .
6 Well I think you can look at it on two levels and one , one reason is to change the Party structure shake them up a bit , cos there 's , there 's evidence that they were erm you know moving to the right and allying with er rich peasants and landlords , and the other , on the level is actually having a policy which would get mass support and this obviously would require incentives in the form of land to peasants .
7 It 's thought that children are repsonsible for some of the thefts , but there 's evidence that enthusiasts are stealing newts to boost their private collections .
8 Generally speaking , there is evidence that the church has always tended to support the hegemony of the state qua state .
9 It is known as a speech output system because there is evidence that a quite separate lexicon is involved in speech perception .
10 Although the recent exodus has acted as a temporary safety valve , there is evidence that the more politically minded opponents of the present regime have stayed behind , knowing that reforms can not be indefinitely postponed .
11 With the boyfriend there is evidence that Mrs Weber killed him and chopped him up with a chain saw , but there is no corpse .
12 None the less , there is evidence that the press had a small influence ( Table 8.5 ) .
13 None the less , there is evidence that the press had a small additional influence .
14 There is evidence that the body clock of ‘ larks ’ runs faster than average , so that there is a tendency for the clock to wake them up earlier — and make them feel tired earlier .
15 There is evidence that the market in pubs , hotels and restaurants has been picking up — we believe it bottomed out six months ago — and that is another welcome move in bringing purchasers out again , ’ he said .
16 Although there has been some success in attempts to halt such ceremonies , or at least to make them less dangerous or humiliating , there is evidence that they are a perennial aspect of group behaviour unlikely to be eradicated .
17 Perhaps Lord Ashley-Cooper was so horrified that he moved to another property , for there is evidence that the Manor reverted to being a tenanted farmhouse and remained thus until it was sold by the Shaftesburys in 1912 to Colonel Canning .
18 Once the court is satisfied that there is evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control , it must go on to consider the second requirement : was the provocation enough to make a reasonable man do as D did ?
19 But it was a book about hierarchy , and that is why it became of interest to Carolingian bishops , as there is evidence that within a decade it did .
20 There is evidence that the whole Southern Front operation , for which North pushed particularly , was justified in retrospect with successes that were invisible at the time .
21 There is evidence that the Babylonians were using sine tables , recorded in cuneiform symbols on clay tablets , long before Hipparchus .
22 But there is evidence that species which wholly abandon sex are short-lived on an evolutionary time-scale .
23 It is therefore interesting that there is evidence that the brain is remarkably good at recognizing patterns of similar marks .
24 In Rutland the jurors swore on 25 July that a great part of the county had been afforested by Henry II , though there is evidence that this had been done by Henry I. Subsequent returns for Leicestershire , Nottinghamshire and Somerset also demanded extensive disafforestments .
25 Although the fuel economy has improved by around 30 per cent over the past decade , there is evidence that the younger generation , in particular , feels the car is too ostentatious in today 's environment .
26 None of the theories proposed for the phenomenon is wholly satisfactory but there is evidence that requires us to accept at least some aspects of several of them .
27 There is evidence that in Britain this epoch has now arrived .
28 While in nominal terms , the earnings of architects have risen since the early 1970s , there is evidence that relative to earnings in general , architects have suffered a decline .
29 There is evidence that Freud 's father sexually abused his own children .
30 There is evidence that following the start of treatment the lesions of primary or secondary syphilis are free of active treponemes within 48 hours , although it would be a brave person who took this to mean that intercourse was safe so soon after starting treatment .
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