Example sentences of "[been] a [adj] friend " in BNC.

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1 Monica had been a close friend of Ricardo and Jose Weibel .
2 Billy had been a close friend for over a year now and they had had some good times together .
3 It contained a note from Dermot Kinane , an ex-jockey who had been a close friend of the family in Ireland .
4 I can not claim to have been a close friend , but I had occasional encounters with him and , as with most people , it would be more accurate to describe them as occasional brushes .
5 Those who did live there all knew Father McGiff and they were able to inform the ignorant that he had been a close friend of the Rabbi ever since the Jews had arrived in the city .
6 He accepted my apologies for my appearance and quickly put me at ease , saying he had been a close friend of my father and was delighted to meet his son .
7 He had also been a close friend and political ally of Keating for more than 20 years , and had been influential in engineering Keating 's successful bid for the leadership in December 1991 [ see pp. 38675-76 ] .
8 A lieutenant-colonel , who had evidently been a close friend in his class at St. Cyr , greeting the new C.O. had addressed him as tu , only to receive a shrivelling rebuff : ‘ Colonel , I must request you to keep your distance .
9 ‘ She had been a lifelong friend of the Abrams , ’ Mr Burke said .
10 ‘ The reaction from my clients and business contacts was tremendous — perhaps some of them wish they had done the same — and one senior partner from the Big Six wrote and told me that his mother had been a great friend of Lady Reading , the WRVS 's founder , and that until he was 15 he thought all women dressed in green ! ’
11 Finally , to the one person who throughout my life has been a great friend and now my husband , .
12 Cnut is said to have defended the weak , exalted justice and suppressed injustice , and been a great friend of churchmen and a generous benefactor of churches .
13 Just as fate had been unkind in many ways to those Titfords who had stayed in Frome throughout the 18th century , so it had been a firm friend to the descendants of William the Emigrant after his arrival in Kent .
14 He has been a fantastic friend helping me with financial work . ’
15 She was a national leader in the W.C.T.U. ( Women 's Christian Temperance Union ) but in spite of her reputation for being austere , dogmatic and old-fashioned , I considered myself fortunate to have been a personal friend of Nellie McClung .
16 I have been a personal friend for many years , but that has never prevented him from criticising my colleagues and myself whenever he felt it necessary to do so .
17 This plan came to grief , however , when Waters , in an attempt to establish friendly relations , gave a prospective producer a copy of one of his books , which showed the idiosyncratic director palling up with one of Charles Manson 's gang — a gesture which was in even worse taste than it might sound , as the producer proved to have been a good friend of one of the gang 's victims .
18 You 've been a good friend but unfortunately this is not going to be enough to help your friend .
19 You have been a good friend to me when there was no one else ; and you have given me back my health .
20 D Goldstein of Staravia Ltd , Ascot , who has long been a good friend of the aircraft preservation movement , offered a range of instruments .
21 He had been a good friend to her and when she walked out on her parents she had made straight for the bar , looking for him .
22 Otto 's been a good friend to you over the years . ’
23 He said you have always been a good friend to him ; he is very happy to do something for you , in return . ’
24 She has designed the most wonderful costumes for me and she 's been a good friend .
25 She 's been a good friend to me . ’
26 ‘ He 's in support of us in our bid document and he 's been a good friend to us . ’
27 He 's been a good friend to me during the war when we
28 In the middle of many clashes and difficulties were the men whom I had met , and to whom , if I had been a true friend , I might have given something of the faith and spirit which could have helped them find a better way for their people .
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