Example sentences of "[been] expected [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By 1988 interim results indicated that around 10 per cent fewer accidents occurred than would have been expected without the schemes .
2 Among other findings , this produced five cases of young leukaemia within eight miles of the plant over the period 1979–84 , where less than one would have been expected on the basis of national rates .
3 In some localities trouble had undoubtedly been expected at the time of the Bank Holiday , and it was reported in Lambeth police court that plainclothes men had been specially stationed for the purpose of dealing with cases of street ruffianism' .
4 Disagreements had been expected at the party convention after Koirala 's dismissal of six key ministers on Dec. 30 , 1991 .
5 In this connection , he claims that an increase in the number of myelomas ( tumour of the bone marrow ) in the area during the 1970s would not have been expected as a result of iodine-131 contamination , but could have arisen from ingestion of polonium-210 , an alpha emitter .
6 Maud 's living room was not what might have been expected of a Victorian scholar .
7 The underlying problem was , perhaps , that too much had been expected of the Queen .
8 But the Gospels themselves confirm that Jesus and his entourage , in keeping with what would have been expected of the Messiah , were militant nationalists who did not shrink from violence .
9 But in view of the difficulties , more would have been expected of the occasion : more in time — an extra day perhaps — and more in emotional commitment .
10 Police reports alleged that raids on Ershad 's residence after his arrest on Dec. 12 [ see p. 37907 ] had revealed assets in excess of those which could have been expected from a presidential income , as well as large quantities of unlicensed firearms .
11 This is about 10 more , she says , than would have been expected From the whole 8000 servicemen who , she says , took part in the South Pacific tests between 1957 and 1958 .
12 However , they also escaped the severe censure that might have been expected from the high-minded moralists who strutted busily through the Victorian England of his day .
13 The casualty rate so far was no more than might have been expected from the hazardous nature of the operation , and although he could not , in all honesty , say he was in command of the whole ship , he at least held the strategic upper hand .
14 Leonid I. Ponomarev then applied the resonance theory to the case of deuterium — tritium ( ‘ dt ’ ) fusion and discovered that in a complicated molecule where two deuterons and one triton were encircled by two electrons and one muon the theory predicted that the fusion rate leapt enormously relative to what had been expected from the earlier simple theories .
15 Leadership might have been expected from the more substantial merchants , members of the élite merchant guilds established by Peter and reformed by Catherine .
16 Microsoft also now plans a new version of MS-DOS for early next year that will lack most of the features that had been expected in the MS-DOS 6.0 release , such as multi-tasking , and the company will now offer its object-oriented Cairo environment only for NT , and not for MS-DOS .
17 Korea was referred to more frequently than might have been expected in the summer of 1945 and the new President , Harry S. Truman , displayed some concern over Korea .
18 Over this time , 0.022 melanomas would have been expected in the local population .
19 The horrors of eighteenth-century madhouses engender disbelieving revulsion in the twentieth century , yet throughout the last thirty years scandal after scandal has been reported in the press with depressing regularity and without the concern that might have been expected in an apparently liberal and caring society .
20 America 's faltering recovery continued with a 6.7% rise in housing starts in April over the previous month , lower than had been expected after a first quarter in which housing starts had been curbed by bad weather .
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