Example sentences of "[been] make possible [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its contents certainly merit much closer attention than on the whole has been made possible for the general public around Europe .
2 This has been made possible with the support and co-operation of the works manager who is keen to see the locomotive back in working order for the open day .
3 Contributions to both of these acquisitions have been made possible through a joint promotion with the Kellogg company of Great Britain .
4 I am certain that the transition could only have been made possible through the dedication ( If those Mr Chips at Halton , who gave their entire working life to the charges of all their students , Men like A.C.K. Kermode , Whittaker , Latimer Needham , Pillars , B.A. Smith and last but not least my dear friend the maths master .
5 They have been made possible in consumer markets by developments ( i ) in the study of demographics and statistics ; and ( ii ) in Information Technology applications .
6 Many converters of churches which incorporate this arrangement have naturally regarded this space as a zone in which living-rooms might be accommodated , and the beneficial use of such roof space has largely been made possible by the widespread employment of standard reversible ventilating and double-glazed roof windows .
7 Downsizing has been made possible by the growing power of the microprocessor and the new ‘ economies of small ’ .
8 This had been made possible by relaying the flat-bottomed Company rail from Cabin to Bispham in bullhead rail , fitted with check-rail for double-deckers .
9 This has been made possible by the use of Scandinavian databases , available via SCANNET , and the negotiation of special cheaper rates with systems operators and database producers who are concerned with marketing their products to potential future users .
10 This transformation has been made possible by the growth of finance capitalism and the cohesion between the economic and political organisations of the bourgeoisie .
11 It had been made possible by the officers of the Vezarat-e Ettelaat Va Amniyat-e Kishvar , the Ministry of Intelligence and Internal Security , who kept detailed files on all Iranian exiles throughout the world , whether or not they supported the new Islamic order .
12 The appointment , which will be for two years in the first instance , has been made possible by the University of London 's Academic Initiative Scheme .
13 ‘ Nubia : Ancient Kingdoms of Africa ’ has been made possible by NYNEX and New England Telephone .
14 Trial reintroductions of dormice have been made possible by the imaginative captive-breeding programmes of Dot Heaton at Windsor Safari Park .
15 Nizan 's rehabilitation in 1960 had been made possible by a gradual evolution in the political and ideological climate in France , itself reflected in Sartre 's own intellectual itinerary .
16 The migrations had been made possible by geological changes temporarily removing barriers such as the English Channel , or opening up new routes through the creation of land-bridges .
17 The novel needs to be understood in the context of the modes of textual communication which have been made possible by the digital revolution .
18 Consumer targeting has been made possible by developments in demographics and statistics , and Information Technology applications in these areas .
19 It has been made possible by improvements in communication and organizational efficiency .
20 That has been made possible by an increase in the number of training places for young people from a grand total of 6,000 in 1979 to more than 260,000 today .
21 Observation and participation in the installation ceremonies are to be the major tools of research and have been made possible by earlier field-work .
22 This policy announcement , which was designed to curb heavy state spending in the health sector , had been made possible by the strong growth of medical aid schemes in all communities [ see above for plan to desegregate some state hospitals ] .
23 The elections , the first on a multiparty basis since 1964 , had been made possible by the success of opposition delegates at the earlier national conference [ see pp. 37307 ; 37445 ] in winning concessions on political reform .
24 Emphasising that " the key to a peaceful solution lies in the hands of Afghans themselves " , he said nevertheless that the talks had been made possible by the " new , positive and changing " United States attitude , a comment widely regarded as a reference to recent US congressional moves to cut aid to the mujahedeen by 10 per cent .
25 For each of the four sub-groups of Games and Sports , Aquatics , Outdoor Pursuits and Dance greater continuity and progression has been made possible by the introduction of five modules extending from the very basic introductory level to performance , tactical awareness , and knowledge and understanding commensurate with good club standards .
26 Indeed , it had been made possible by the deliberate ambiguity of his pronouncements .
27 The centre , supported by Mersey Regional Health Authority , has been made possible by a £1m donation from pharmaceutical giants Glaxo Holdings plc and £250,000 from Liverpool City Challenge .
28 Dr Porteous added that gene therapy testing had been made possible by the genetically-engineered mice developed by the MRC team last year .
29 It 's the first time they 've been to Britain , even though some have been teaching English for twenty years ; they 're staying at the Oxford House School of English , and will also visit the Oxford University Press as the trip has been made possible by an East German publishing house .
30 The visit of the Hamburg Ballet has been made possible by the generous support of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany .
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