Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [adv] already " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ no meaning ’ theist denies that the theist needs to say anything about the existence of God that is intelligible to those who do n't already accept the existence of God as true .
2 To boost their credentials , bidders who do not already hold an ITV franchise need to acquire , or strike deals with , independent production companies .
3 The horizontal love scenes , which now ‘ educate ’ any teenyboppers who do not already know the facts of life , would have earned instant dismissal in his day .
4 An intensive course in Russian is provided for those who do not already know the language .
5 As teachers … we can not give this faculty to those who do not already possess it , as a natural endowment , in the degree which literary criticism demands .
6 Industrial sponsorship is normally necessary for the fourth and fifth years , and can be arranged for those who do not already have sponsorship .
7 To those in the cosmetic industry who have not already adopted the use of these two specifications , the practice is to be commended .
8 It would be prudent for those Unix vendors who have not already made the switch to take a strong look at OSF .
9 In a paragraph entitled New Opportunities , Harley warns , ‘ The many Unix VAR 's and resellers should probably be more concerned with the loss of a stable , independent source for Unix than an imaginary NT monster ( and ) it would be prudent for those Unix vendors who have not already made the switch to take a strong look at OSF . ’
10 The loan exhibition of eighteenth-century European ceramics from the Bowes Museum will allow many who have not already made the trek to Barnard Castle a fascinating glimpse of this major collection of Continental ceramics assembled by Josephine Bowes , beginning in 1860 , with the idea in mind of creating a public collection ( opened 1892 , unfortunately after her and her husband 's death ) .
11 I urge all your readers who have not already discovered it , to play this piece again and again .
12 Has he asked indeed the tenants who have not already bought their home if they would be interested in the Government 's Rent to Buy housing scheme ?
13 .. Try it out when you leave here , try it out in the meetings and the presentations that you have to make I encourage you to do that , to try it out in your day to day working and for those people who have either already been on this course or are coming on this course after you that you meet encourage them to do the same , because there 's nothing like encouragement and feedback from each other to be able to use these new ideas .
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