Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [modal v] help [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although I had n't seen her in over thirty years , there was one person in the world who might help me : my sister .
2 Angevin interests lay in the support of the Welfs as the strongest power in north Germany , who might help them to maintain the crumbling Angevin empire .
3 Gould would also have angled for contacts who might help him with his prospective expedition .
4 Is there someone in Winchester who might help you ? ’
5 However , to the rescue comes their driver , an enterprising Swiss chap who announced that they were not to worry , he had a friend who lived nearby who could help them out .
6 Concurrently with this programme the governors should be making themselves familiar with the roles of centrally based staff who could help them , such as special needs advisers , psychologists and support teachers , and seeking their help in interpreting the authority 's statements on policy and procedures .
7 Erm I think it it it started off , people would come in the dayroom , with their own supplementary benefit problem , and and clearly we had the sort of handbooks there and and they saw the probation officers on on duty as people who could help them to sort out that sort out that kind of problem .
8 Seven miles off behind him , Eochaid and Ferteth and Cormac were fighting to save Perth and Scone from the army besieging them ; and here , motionless under the sun , were a hundred men who could help them .
9 Detectives say there must have been other people in the area around the time of this latest attack who could help their search .
10 At the south-western corner of the city walls two smaller castles were built , Baynard 's and Mountfichet , but never allowed to become great fortresses ; and they were finally removed from this strategic place by Edward I in the late thirteenth century : by a king whose mighty works at the Tower mirrored his determination to keep the Londoners under firm control ; but who greatly expanded the western end and formed a large new enclosure there for the Dominican friars , who could help him to ensure that no hostile presence met him when he came from Westminster to the City .
11 Trawler boss Alan Ayres , who has accused the Navy of a cover-up , said he had found some schoolchildren who could help him prove the Pescado was sunk by a submarine 18 months ago .
12 Sampras , meanwhile , was planning to talk with Tom 's twin brother , Tim , who has been working with Eliot Teltscher and , although nothing had been settled at the time of writing , Andrew Agassi was looking for a coach who could help him improve what he knows remains a fundamental weakness in his game — his serve .
13 The brutal death of Duke John inevitably pushed Philip , his son and successor , onto the side of the one man who could help him .
14 Who could help him ?
15 ‘ The only doctors who could help me are at Bart 's .
16 Emma Pengelly , eight , wrote : ‘ The only doctors who could help me are at Bart 's .
17 I wanted people , a friend , somebody to talk to … somebody who could help me escape from my island .
18 I had friends there who could help me to sell my land in Brazil , and I needed the money .
19 Amanda Tooth said that hard times made Antonia set her sights on someone who could help her make a name .
20 What she needed was just one person , one wise and sympathetic grown-up who could help her to understand the meaning of this extraordinary happening .
21 They were sure that it would be better for Eileen to be back among her loving family who could help her to bear her loss .
22 No one would travel in that manner who could help it — who had time to go leisurely over hills and between hedges , instead of through tunnels and between banks ; at least those who would , have no sense of beauty so acute that we need to consult it at the station .
23 We did not know any influential person in Parma who could help us , and certainly there was no one in Fontanellato .
24 I wish there was someone I could talk to about the problems — someone who 'd keep an eye on him and watch for him getting bad and get the doctor to do something , sooner ; someone who 'd help him with money , a job , get him out of the room for a bit , give us a break too .
25 Goodman was always hard up and enjoyed the friendship and generosity of friends such as Francis Bacon who would help him out .
26 I was the one who would help him back to bed , I was the one who would read lines to him in the morning before he went on the set . ’
27 However , he wanted first to meet the kind old gentleman in London , who would help him .
28 She 'd mentioned someone who would help me , but I saw only Shadwell ahead of me .
29 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
30 Who would help me this time ?
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