Example sentences of "not assume " in BNC.

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1 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
2 If one big building society can fall foul of the rules , then you can not assume that any lender will get its advertising right .
3 The Public Service Ideal does not assume , against all the evidence , that a free market will necessarily produce political access , variety , and debate ; it insists upon mechanisms which aim directly at these goals rather than relying upon their being achieved as the accidental by-products of mechanisms whose primary function is to achieve quite different goals such as commercial profitability or proprietorial self-indulgence .
4 I am coming later to the ‘ none-atall ’ which is one of the more emphatic observations that I have to make , namely that one must not assume there is necessarily a rational purpose , or even a felonious purpose , in the breach of law and order and the commission of crime .
5 They should not assume their tape will get passed on .
6 It was his own spiritual change which made possible after the poems of the early twenties a more affectionate view of London , but we should not assume that the owner of Down the Silver Stream of Thames had ever been totally blind to the beauty of the city .
7 Do not assume they are necessarily innocent victims .
8 We should not assume that this means a retreat from the world into a monastery or a desert — not at all .
9 One should not assume that the decisions of working-class families would be substantially affected by new methods of birth control or by new ideas .
10 While they are aware of the dangers of being seen to support the Tories , senior party members would argue that neither party had won the election , and Labour could not assume the Liberal Democrats would play its game .
11 Would buyers not assume that a valuation based partly on an expert test implied endorsement of that test by the surveyor ?
12 Because farmers , like people in other industries , thought it would never happen to them , the safety angle probably did not assume the importance it deserved .
13 If you have been a victim of a crime do not assume that it can not happen again .
14 They could not assume , as most grammar schools and some secondary modern schools complacently had , that the problems of pupils and the needs of counselling would be met by teachers in the normal course of their teaching responsibilities .
15 Do not assume that storage heaters can operate satisfactorily without supplementation by fires or radiators of one sort or another — there is no substitute for instant heat when and where you want it .
16 You simply can not assume that because the report has been well received that it will automatically produce action or a decision .
17 A third Court of Appeal decision , Janata Bank v Ahmed ( 1981 ) , has also suggested that the question of one 's base should not assume overriding importance .
18 On the other hand , Japan must not assume that membership of the IWC means a green light to catch unlimited numbers of whales .
19 In some countries University Institutes did not assume such initial importance in curriculum development .
20 When Braidwood left the Institution in 1812 to go to the United States , Archibald Geikie was asked to assume direction of the school with his son as an assistant teacher , but he would not assume the responsibility , and resumed teaching Walter at home .
21 Bukharin , since he was writing for a somewhat different purpose — at that point in his exposition — did not assume or leave implicit the equilibrium between society and nature , but instead desired to show that it is a necessary basis , precondition , for the situation that Marx dealt with .
22 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
23 It is not unusual for children to recite happily from one to ten in a number rhyme or as they play , but the teacher does not assume that they can therefore use number or count .
24 She will need time to grieve inwardly a little over these losses and gradually come to terms with them in her own way , so you should not assume that any moods of depression or irritability she has in those early months are a reflection on the efforts you are making to help her to feel ‘ at home ’ .
25 While in his view Truth need not assume shape or form at any time , yet when it is made to do so in order to meet specific human needs it is called Iśvara or God and assumes a personal connotation .
26 We can not assume that what the linguist identifies as significant should correspond with aspects of language to be focused on in the teaching and learning of a language as a school subject .
27 It is legitimate to speculate about the Devil as long as we do not assume that our speculations have the solidity of holy writ .
28 When we read , for example , that there was ‘ war in heaven ’ ( Rev 12:7 ) we should not assume that there was some sort of cosmic version of Star Wars , or that the archangel Michael and Lucifer fought it out with spiritual light-sabres .
29 ( Gregory 's slogan was : ‘ That which he could not assume he could not heal . ’ )
30 Without accepting the necessarily and inevitably more integrative role of the party , I believe the argument is a valid one ; we can not assume an easy identity between labourism and trade unionism .
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