Example sentences of "[ex0] be undoubtedly [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are undoubtedly higher mountains to climb , but something tells me underneath that Beatle wig lies a trace of genius .
2 There are undoubtedly higher mountains to climb , but something tells me underneath that Beatle wig lies a trace of genius .
3 This absence of feudal social and political structure prior to the onset of industrialisation has been held to help account for US ‘ exceptionalism ’ , in the form of a weakened socialist consciousness and the lack of strong political Party-union ties , although there are undoubtedly other important factors as well , including the scarcity of manpower and ample employment opportunities for skilled workers , which militated against challenge along political and ideological lines ; a complex ethnic ( immigrant ) labour force composition and racial cleavage , which impeded collective action on a class basis ; and a political and constitutional structure that discouraged the setting up of third parties ( Lipset , 1977 ) .
4 In any event , there are undoubtedly inherent difficulties in applying a child-centred approach to discipline in an institutional setting , although they are probably not insurmountable .
5 There are undoubtedly great advantages to the student if a staff member transmits his ideas and experience to only a few individuals at a time in a tutorial session .
6 So even University was n't completely on one side , and again the City was erm there was this sort of Puritan element that did n't like the King 's religious policies , erm there was this general feeling against the University which tended to put them off to the other side , but there are undoubtedly loyal citizens erm citizens loyal to the King .
7 We ought to argue that since there are undoubtedly some good successful comprehensive schools , we must use these as models for the rest .
8 This is because there are undoubtedly some people who are out of work and seeking jobs , but are not claiming any form of social security benefit : such people are not counted in the official statistics .
9 While much of the thinking during drowsiness maybe humdrum , as experiments involving waking people up during this state have shown , there are undoubtedly some unusual characteristics of style of thinking and of dreamlike imagery during drowsiness .
10 During the Yorkist period there were undoubtedly some movements of popular discontent ; in 1471 the Essex men seem to have joined Fauconberg 's attack on London because they felt that the citizens were paying insufficient prices for dairy supplies .
11 The local management of schools policy appears to threaten the basis of much of what we have known ; and there is undoubtedly much concern about some of the ‘ new ’ skills which will be needed .
12 There is undoubtedly real promise in the technologies of conventional lasers , X-ray lasers , particle beams , and high-power microwaves .
13 There is undoubtedly some truth in this ; the nobility frequently sent proxies to parliament in these years ; they were too preoccupied with war to have any reason for opposing the king in parliament , and their independent campaigns on the continent took some of them away from England for several years at a time .
14 It is visible with the naked eye , and with × 12 I have suspected individual stars ; with × 20 there is undoubtedly some degree of resolution .
15 There is undoubtedly some truth in such observations .
16 There is undoubtedly considerable choice provided by airlines on many routes ( especially inter-continental routes ) , but BA 's already dominant position in the domestic market would be reinforced by a merger with British Caledonian ( refer to Table 2.3 ) .
17 Kold will have taken great encouragement from last weekend 's results at Wembley when his Danish players won two of the five titles , as there was undoubtedly some concern in European badminton after the Asians completely dominated the Barcelona finals .
18 There was undoubtedly considerable attachment , particularly among the rural lower orders , to the Elizabethan Book of Common Prayer and to its ceremonies marking both the stages of the agricultural year and the important milestones in the life of the individual .
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