Example sentences of "[been] [adv] receive [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There he had been rapturously received by its inhabitants , over whom his house had ruled for generations .
2 As Ras Makonnen 's son , he had been rapturously received by its inhabitants , and by his justice and humanity he soon merited this acclaim .
3 I particularly liked the arts sections and noted that a caption under a picture of Salman Rushdie said that his new book The Satanic Verses had been badly received in many Moslem communities .
4 In Northern Ireland our work has been warmly received by both communities and their churches .
5 These texts have been warmly received by the Commission and the work of the Group Consultatif has enhanced the reputation of actuaries in the Community .
6 Our latest schools booklet has been enthusiastically received by many pupils and teachers .
7 TransAction has been enthusiastically received by the Consumers ' Association , the Lord Chancellors and the Land Registry .
8 Moreover it had been enthusiastically received by the President of the Board of Trade , Mr Sydney Buxton , on whose friendship and support Wilson believed that he could rely .
9 The repackaging and relaunch of Cardhu has been favourably received in Europe .
10 Erm I think that in in broad terms that covers the architectural aspects we we have of course , as er , Paul mentioned at the beginning erm talked the these designs through with the Clark Hill , Honey Hill and Fern Hill Resident 's Association and they have erm been , been shown the exhibition on the estate and er we believe that they 've been well received towards seeing what
11 His appeal for what he termed the " purification " of their political records had been well received at the time , but new investigations into the Recruit-Cosmos scandal had revived allegations that he had lied to the Diet ( Parliament ) in 1988 over his involvement with the case , and allegations of other , hitherto unknown , scandals had spread rapidly .
12 Six spacious executive homes by Berkeley at Brightwell near Wallingford have also been well received by early visitors to the site .
13 Goebbels 's eulogy of Hitler in an article in Das Reich on 31 December was said to have been well received by ‘ only a few people 's comrades and naturally the old loyal fighters ’ .
14 So far her caricatures have been well received by their subjects .
15 For the most part these diversifications have been well received by their users .
16 Mr Lamont claimed his Autumn Statement meant the framework for growth was in place and had been well received by businesses .
17 AI 's documentation has been well received by non-governmental organisations and the press inside Peru .
18 Following it 's launch , Polacolor 100 film has been well received by the majority of professional photographers , particularly for its improved colour balance and increased colour saturation .
19 This proposal was enthusiastically approved by the Central Council of ACTS and has been well received by member churches which are appointing local representatives for each of the forty six areas .
20 Following its launch , Polacolor 100 film has been well received by the majority of professional photographers , particularly for its improved colour balance and increased colour saturation .
21 The RET is now a truly comprehensive , cumulative record of achievement , which has been well received by candidates and employers alike .
22 Although the intensive system of subject assessment takes up a good deal of time , it has been well received by these two centres .
23 The blueprint was reported to have been well received by the President , although criticized by many senior military officers .
24 The knitted gauze products for the nitric acid industry which were introduced by Johnson Matthey last year , have been well received by customers and are capturing a growing share of the European market .
25 Initial applications in the glass melting industry have been well received by customers .
26 Plans to admit men have n't been well received by the students at Somerville .
27 The speech has been well received by Muslim leaders throughout Britain … in Oxford its being hailed as milestone in race relations .
28 So far it 's been well received by doctors .
29 THE first issue of the clubmen 's ‘ bible ’ , The Club Journal , in its new format has been well received by members of the Club and Institute 's six million members .
30 THE Budget provided mixed blessings for homeowners , but it has generally been well received by lenders and housebuilders .
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