Example sentences of "[indef pn] else that i " in BNC.

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1 I 've got another I 've got someone I 'm supposed to ring up and somebody else that I 've I 've got a lesson starting soon .
2 Coupled with ‘ God ’ went something else that I could never find , and which was much talked about .
3 had something else that I was just doing and I thought Oh I should be at Ian 's for five o'clock .
4 I had learned something else that I am sure she was n't conscious of teaching me .
5 Erm , something else that I may well do with this spreadsheet as well I can foresee is , insert an extra
6 If I see this and if I see that , then that means something else , and that something else taken in conjunction with something else that I see might suggest so and so , and so on .
7 I think that 's a very important thing to do , but I think there 's something else that I think I do n't know if anyone else here would agree with me , but I think women are very bad at pushing themselves forward and particularly bad at planning their career .
8 And there 's also something else that I forgot to bring up and that is that they 're trying to find new ways of removing the gases , and they reckoned that in 2 years there 's going to be an electrical method , an electrical filter , and the lab is 99% efficient .
9 It seemed to flow out of him easier than anybody else that I 've heard , except maybe Beethoven . ’
10 The thing is , it 's a vicious circle , it 's Catch 22 really , 'cos I used to have a good self-employed business , going painting and decorating and I used to have a good clientele and that and I found over the years that , when it became harder and harder to score and the prices rocketed and all that , it got out of hand , out of proportion , that I was spending more and more time off the job than I was on the job , looking round to get the stuff and I found I was unable to carry on working without the drug , because I just felt so bad and I could n't climb ladders and I thought I was a danger to myself and anybody else that I had working with me , y'know .
11 Yeah but there 's nothing else that I need .
12 nothing else that I do n't want .
13 There 's nothing else that I 've got to tell you !
14 Is there anything else that I can do for her cos she says she is in quite a lot of discomfort at the moment .
15 I do n't have anything else that I could show you at the moment I 'm afraid .
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