Example sentences of "[indef pn] could [adv] call " in BNC.

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1 No one could therefore call for the closure of incineration plants at a stroke , because noxious chemicals have to go somewhere .
2 The high-relief figure — one could hardly call it a three-dimensional effigy — is placed on a plain black ledger lying on the floor , and appears as a body rising vertically from the grave .
3 His nose and cheekbones protruded as never before , and he was paler than Helen , so pale that no one could possibly call him a darkie or black bastard , though they might legitimately have used the word bastard .
4 ‘ No one could possibly call you Miss Frostbite if they saw you now , ’ he drawled and , moving round to sit at his desk , he handed her back her spectacles .
5 Along with Graham Nearn of Caterham and Chris Smith of Westfield , Marsh — Marcos founder and mainstay of the UK 's cottage industry of component car makers — was exhibiting at the last motor show , where anyone could legitimately call him a ‘ kit car ’ maker .
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