Example sentences of "i confess " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How on earth can I confess anything to you ?
2 This , I confess , is to me the real aim of art history .
3 However , I confess that I do not believe a party , any more than the society which it serves , can fail to suffer if it knowingly allows institutions to fall more and more out of correspondence with contemporary needs .
4 I confess I do not find much relevance in this to the death penalty .
5 But I confess I do n't go as often as I might , ’ Omi said .
6 I confess I can not really see worm watching catching on as a mass pursuit with worm watcher clubs and organised field visits , but I did hear of an infants ' school where the worm has joined the tadpole as a creature for study .
7 I confess !
8 I confess that I have not addressed such a large gathering since I spoke to 40,000 Gujerati buffalo farmers in India in 1980 , and that was a rare experience . ’
9 I confess my fears were elsewhere .
10 How can Christ be a perfect penitent if he is really sinless ? putting it in ordinary terms : if you are completely innocent of a crime , no one is going to make much sense of it if you say : ‘ I am not guilty of this offence , but I confess on behalf of others and wish to represent their guilt . ’
11 Still , I confess I 'm a wee bit disappointed in your reasons .
12 Many people like the bicoloured ivy-leaved varieties ; I confess to being quite charmed by the bushy ‘ Pink Gay Baby ’ , with its bright pink double flowers each lined in dark magenta .
13 I confess that more than once I came near to tears , eyes as misted as the beautiful stage setting of Günther Schneider-Siemssen .
14 I confess I got a bit of a shock when the pictures appeared .
15 In anger she wrote : — whatever you have a mind to do Ellen it is not for you to dictate Oreste 's future and I confess I was disturbed to have you write as though he were your son and not mine , which he is and you know you can not keep him and that it would be wrong .
16 ‘ It is dramatic stuff , I believe , though I confess not to have read any .
17 I confess to being sceptical about the whole enterprise , but readers who agree with Hughes that we need a drama that blends the sacred with the secular , on the model of the best Greek tragedies , may feel differently .
18 I confess to finding some of his Freudian speculations , unleavened as they are by the faintest suspicion of humour , hard to follow , in the sense that I am unsure what would count either for or against them .
19 I confess I 'm groping .
20 I 'm afraid I ca n't subscribe to the theory that man should always be ‘ bloody , bold and resolute ’ ; but rather , I confess , that it 's very comforting to lean on you sometimes … more especially as I 've a funny instinct that if I follow your ways I ca n't go wrong , whereas my own existence is apt to be hardening , as you can see that it must be .
21 The lochans of Scotland are teeming with interesting things too , and I confess to a penchant for peering into dark , peaty puddles at every opportunity in the eternal search for frogs and newts .
22 But if I was pressed to make a choice , apart from Coldingham Loch , I would have to admit that the Whiteadder River is my favourite Border stream , and I confess that I have a vested interest in Whiteadder .
23 Blair worked on the islands for a number of years and I confess that I envied him .
24 I confess it 's this last point that interests me , ’ Mrs Wilson said .
25 As far as our Elsie is concerned , I confess I am no nearer finding her , not directly anyway .
26 Beyond the vertebrates , I confess to my own failure to have social relations with snails but to my deep and , I suspect , mutual respect for the octopus which is a close relation of the snail .
27 I confess it to the mirrors ( come
28 I confess I felt myself rather ill-used .
29 I confess that I 'm a little taken aback that a proof is something that you ‘ do ’ : it seems to me you build it , construct it , devise it , or cobble it together .
30 I confess to not immediately grasping one reason for the cathedral 's decline ( ’ Pigeons can be kept off the facade by netting but few sink into the porous marble ’ ) .
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