Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [vb base] asked " in BNC.

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1 Erm she 's due in at work on that Friday night er we 've encountered problems before whereby we 've asked for I E the Friday night off because there 's been an educational seminar on on the day as it were er and that , that 's been , that 's been de er
2 Well y you 'll appreciate why I 've asked the question er Mr , because they supported it , they made representations in support at the consultation draft stage , they did n't object at the deposit stage , and yet today , as I understand your evidence , you 're telling us that they do object to site D thirty nine being shown within the inset .
3 Which is why I 've asked you to actually split this work organiser between the front and the back of the binder .
4 Well , like I say , it 's not erm an ambition really of mine it 's a challenge of a lifetime because I 've never liked running and I decided that as I started running two years ago that er the marathon was the ultimate , and as it 's the ultimate challenge I thought what I 'm asking and why I 've asked to come in to FOX F M is to er ask the businesses of Bicester to help me er raise money for the er Bicester Health Centre , and also for the Bible School boys sponsoring me .
5 ‘ When I tell you why I have asked you to come here , I think you may feel your journey has not been in vain , ’ he said , and his shoulders heaved , rising and falling with silent mirth .
6 " As you have doubtless guessed , Peter , there is actually another reason why I have asked you to give up your leave .
7 Erm this is where we 've asked our tool room to supply them with any parts , save taking them off the the original .
8 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
9 That 's why we 've asked a top local chef to provide a special menu so that you can host a family celebration fit for the table of any top restaurant :
10 WHEN A CLUB as great as Cardiff fall on times as hard as they are now it is easy to understand why they ask New Zealand 's John Hart if he could take over as coaching director and why they have asked Australia 's Alec Evans the same question .
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