Example sentences of "[num ord] week [coord] so " in BNC.

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1 Weight is very quickly lost in the first week or so of most diets , but slows down somewhat after that .
2 Within my first week or so in the House , I was sitting in the Smoking Room reading a book .
3 This blanket term covers the ‘ blues ’ at one end of the spectrum ( affecting between 70 and 80 per cent of all women in the first week or so after birth ) to the post-puerperal psychosis which temporarily hospitalizes three in every thousand mothers .
4 What we normally do is get together with the rhythm section for about the first week or so — and it 's just heaven because you 're just a small band .
5 In this study a 13 year old , when asked about being teased in his comprehensive school , replied , ‘ I should think that in my first week or so there was a fair bit .
6 After the first week or so of following the diet , with any possible withdrawal symptoms behind you , things should look up .
7 and they fall flat on their face in the first week or so .
8 RIVER CROSSENS : Good fishery but often slow for the first week or so until fish located .
9 Yeah , leave the front room , we 'll have to , first week or so we 'll have to live in that back room
10 For first week or so , did n't they ?
11 It was really delightful to be treated with such consideration after the events of the last week or so .
12 He said he 'd been followed for the last week or so .
13 When I went to bed , I had a few ‘ sort of ’ pains , but I did n't think anything of them as I 'd had these kind of niggly pains a lot over the last week or so .
14 It 's not as if they get much study done the last week or so anyway . ’
15 A strange change had come over Leo in the last week or so .
16 Tt and we 're obviously looking at a process of land reform which has , has undergone a number of changes and I think we , we 've begun to see some of the influences on those changes and particularly over the , the last week or so the this has .
17 It was only in the last week or so that the two of them had fallen out .
18 THE most important news for the economy in the last week or so has not been Mr Lamont 's Budget , nor the Government 's travails over the Maastricht treaty , but the challenge to President 's Yeltsin 's Government in Russia .
19 But the last week or so has provided a couple of classics , little exchanges that appear to have nothing to do with policy and everything to do with ego , bitterness and vendetta .
20 I 'm grateful to North Yorkshire and through you to the Strensall people for the arrangements and the use of the Village Hall and I think I must commend Mr Whipp for his fortitude through the last week or so .
21 She 's been away for the last week or so
22 He kindly gave me a lift home en route to get his bike : he had a nasty fall off it last week and so it had to be repaired .
23 There 's a slot to fill this week , another one to fill next week and so on . ’
24 For the next week or so Endill concentrated on finding his new workshop , despite being no further forward with his plan .
25 I have placed a request with our technical colleagues for a tape according to your specifications , and expect to be able to send this out to you within the next week or so .
26 I have placed a request with our technical colleagues for a tape according to your specifications , and expect to be able to send this out to you within the next week or so .
27 During the next week or so , the young develop their finnage and other characteristics more fully , prior to their first attempt to swim .
28 IT 'S the office party season and the next week or so will be spent drinking , eating and dancing to excess .
29 When you have finished , go back over the whole list and circle those four or five things that you would like to work on for yourself over the next week or so .
30 With four minutes left I was worried — worried whether I would be able to go out and eat for the next week or so .
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