Example sentences of "[num ord] point out that " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know who it was first pointed out that , given enough time , a monkey bashing away at random on a typewriter could produce all the works of Shakespeare .
2 Patrick Forbes is the first to point out that this is not so and that the title is just a brand name , but the confusion still persists .
3 Willie Dick , Axminster Weaving Manager is the first to point out that the invitation is due to his wife 's extensive work with the Red Cross .
4 Potten et al are the first to point out that their findings are based entirely on the study of patients with colorectal cancer and , although the specimens used were taken at least 5 cm from the primary carcinoma and did not show any unusual histological features , there may be differences with respect to the colonic mucosa of patients without carcinoma .
5 As US scientist Lester Pearson said , ‘ There is a need for a revolution in mankind 's ( sic ) thinking as basic as the one introduced by Copernicus , who first pointed out that the earth was not the centre of the universe . ’
6 ‘ I think it was last March when you first pointed out that a madness in railway dealings was growing . ’
7 Ellen Solomon and Walter Bodmer first pointed out that the variation in human gene sequences represented a powerful new mapping tool , which laid the basis for studies that led to the human genome project ( in which the entire genome will be mapped , characterised functionally , and eventually sequenced ) .
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