Example sentences of "[num ord] nature to her " in BNC.

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1 It was only when she realised that she had n't used the unarmed combat that was by now second nature to her , but was struggling in a manner that was instinctive , that she stopped .
2 Creating this pattern may be so much second nature to her , that she does not recognize the skill involved and the complexity of her art .
3 It 's second nature to her to check that she 's still attractive to men with every one of them she meets .
4 And if , at first , she had had to remind herself to be careful not to be found out , deceit was becoming second nature to her .
5 The little routine was second nature to her , evidently .
6 For another — here was she with no experience whatsoever of professional interviewing techniques — not even a rank amateur , in fact — yet she was about to pretend that interviewing was second nature to her .
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