Example sentences of "['s] attempts [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Cuomo condemned the comments as indicative of racial stereotyping , and brushed off Clinton 's attempts to explain them away as " good-natured and jocular " .
2 It was also transmitted south-westwards , into Egypt and along the coast of North Africa , where it would come into much more direct contact with the coalescing orthodoxy of Rome — and , despite Rome 's attempts to suppress it , exercise a more discernible influence on the evolution of Christianity in Western Europe .
3 As we walked she told me how she had always resisted her brother 's attempts to persuade her to emigrate to Pakistan .
4 Johnny Rotten in particular was becoming increasingly estranged from McLaren 's view of what the group should be , and resentful of McLaren 's attempts to control them .
5 An enormous number of Polish nobles , therefore , had survived the government 's attempts to relegate them to lesser estates .
6 I went through what I wanted to say over and over again , unable to respond to Mary 's attempts to reassure me .
7 ROY KEANE last night revealed he will hold off Nottingham Forest 's attempts to tie him to a new long-term contract .
8 He was amused by Claire 's attempts to introduce him to attractive women .
9 Despite McMahon 's attempts to intimidate him , Ince continued to be the motivating force for United , whose dominance culminated in Hughes 's brilliant strike .
10 Oliver was fairly proof against Emmie 's attempts to frighten him but this ingenious touch was too much .
11 In both of the novels a heroine is involved for committing herself to do something important enough only as itself for example , Elizabeth Bennet walks three fatiguing miles to Netherfield to pay a visit to her ill sister ; Fanny Price opposes her cousins ' attempts to include her in amateur theatricals .
12 Yet the most unnerving revelation of this book is less the bit that shocked Mr Teicher — his colleagues ' attempts to make him a scapegoat in the Irangate arms-for-hostages scandal — and more his portrayal of the muddle that characterises America 's dealings with this explosive region .
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