Example sentences of "['s] voice [was/were] a " in BNC.

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1 Alison Moyet 's voice was a wholesome barrage of body , a humanist apology for the perceived thin-ness of Depeche Mode ( her partner Vince Clarke 's first group ) , a fiery torch brought to bear on a cold , metallic sound ( synthpop , modernism at its coolest ) .
2 Billy 's voice was a mixture of apprehension and indignation , and it came from under the hay wagon .
3 Peggy 's voice was a whisper .
4 Auntie Lou 's voice was a whisper , a thin thread of sound .
5 As always when she was very angry , Evelyn 's voice was a thick Irish brogue .
6 The man 's voice was a soft bass , the syllables blurred .
7 Ellwood 's voice was a klaxon , one note , hoarse and maniacal .
8 ‘ The flower of the Merkuts — ’ Jagatan 's voice was a mumble , ‘ all gone .
9 Roman 's voice was a little unsteady , grating with grim amusement and suppressed desire .
10 Durance 's voice was a growl .
11 Ward 's voice was a harsh mixture of anger and contempt .
12 Under cover of the noise Guy 's voice was a soft murmur in Isabel 's ear .
13 The Baronne 's voice was a sudden wail .
14 Lucy 's voice was a strangled whisper .
15 Caroline 's voice was an appalled croak as she stared at the new arrival .
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