Example sentences of "['s] secretary [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In March 1988 considerable consternation was created , not least among teachers who had generally responded very positively to the TGAT report , by the leak of a letter about the report from the Prime Minister 's secretary to Kenneth Baker 's secretary .
2 ‘ I might say this in closing , ’ he said , ‘ … as far as foreign policy goes , Mr Kissinger ( Mr Ford 's secretary of state ) has been the president of this country .
3 As expected , Mr Jim Edgar , Illinois 's secretary of state , won the Republican party 's nomination .
4 He is the head of a great Government office — what may be called the secretarial office ; he is ‘ the King 's Secretary of State for all departments ’ ; whatever writing has to be done in the King 's name is done by the Chancellor or through him and his officers .
5 He has just been appointed head of the private office of Jean Glavany , France 's Secretary of State for Technical Education .
6 It was only then that George Shultz , Reagan 's secretary of state , learned the president had actually signed an order authorising the arms shipments on 17 January and that he had not been consulted or told .
7 Washington 's Secretary of State , George Schultz , and the Canadian external affairs minister , Allan MacEachen , now plan to meet to discuss the row in the spring .
8 It is not enough compensation to read on your contemporary one that Her Majesty 's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs requests and requires .
9 Even now Michael Heseltine , Britain 's Secretary of State for Defence , is at pains to point out that the installation of cruise need not go ahead ( see p 885 ) .
10 Soon afterwards they became respectively the Pretender 's Secretary of State and one of his leading generals .
11 America 's Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger said in Geneva the US is determined to put Serbian leaders into the dock for war crimes .
12 ‘ Western history , ’ Theodore Roosevelt 's Secretary of State declared in 1902 , ‘ began with a Mediterranean era , passed through an Atlantic era , and is now moving into a Pacific era . ’
13 William Seward , President Lincoln 's Secretary of State , the man who had committed the legendary ‘ folly ’ of buying Alaska for rather more than $7 million , made an even more provocative forecast in the mid-nineteenth century : .
14 One has to feel sorry for Peter Brooke , Britain 's Secretary of State for National Heritage .
15 Warren Christopher , America 's secretary of state , promised that America — now a ‘ full partner ’ in the negotiations — would be ‘ even-handed ’ .
16 Wilson 's secretary of state , Robert Lansing , foresaw trouble ; self-determination was dynamite , he said , that would cause ‘ much vexation ’ .
17 At Brussels , where America 's secretary of state , Warren Christopher , was on May 6th in urgent talks with NATO allies , the focus shifted abruptly once more from keeping peace to something starker .
18 Having failed to get the Europeans ' agreement on a course of action , Warren Christopher , America 's secretary of state , is back to what the Bush administration was saying 18 months ago : Yugoslavia is at heart a European problem .
19 ‘ DURING the long cold-war period , ’ Warren Christopher , America 's secretary of state , said on May 20th , ‘ policies toward Africa were often determined not by how they affected Africa , but by what advantage they brought to Washington or Moscow . ’
20 In the dramatic trial that followed — the so-called " Monkey Trial " — the literal view of the Bible was put forward by the chief prosecution witness , William Jennings Bryan , presidential candidate for the Progressive Party in the 1896 election and later Wilson 's Secretary of State .
21 In June 1984 , shortly before Virgin 's inaugural flight , he sought a meeting with the Government 's Secretary of State for Transport , Nicholas Ridley .
22 McGregor 's Secretary of State .
23 That autumn , while a youthful Mick Jagger was enrolling at the London School of Economics , Gordon met Christine Keeler at Notting Hill 's Rio Cafe , and Keeler was in mid-affair with John Profumo , the Conservative Government 's Secretary of State for War .
24 The report also suggested that a back-stage role in the process was being played by senior retired Egyptian and US officials ( the latter led by former US President Jimmy Carter 's Secretary of State Cyrus Vance , who visited Syria and Israel in January ) .
25 As Kennedy 's secretary of state , Dean Rusk ( a man not usually given to sweeping statements ) later commented : " We ca n't break with Britain .
26 people of one of the environment and the other 's Secretary of State for the Environment .
27 THE world will not mind its own business or permit exemptions when countries violate basic human rights , the UN secretary-general and America 's Secretary of State told a key conference yesterday .
28 In April 1961 newly-elected President Kennedy 's Secretary of Defense , Robert McNamara , cancelled the production aspect — the YB-70 .
29 Public opinion for the most part approved , but among the voices raised in protest was that of Truman 's Secretary of Commerce , the veteran New Dealer , Henry Wallace .
30 Anyone who wants to raise money should contact Mr Nath 's secretary at Middlesbrough General Hospital or send a cheque payable to Fred Nath ( Convoy Aid ) to the hospital .
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