Example sentences of "['s] idea that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Prelude , which is , in fact , the nearest thing to the great philosophical poem which Coleridge hoped Wordsworth would produce , was mostly written while Coleridge was in Malta , and it is as an exposition of Wordsworth 's ideas that we must read it ; for Coleridge , as we shall see , had already begun to return to orthodox Christianity and in 1803 was shocked at Wordsworth 's irreverence : ‘ O dearest William !
2 Even apart from these wider consequences of his thought about persons , Locke 's idea that their identity consists in continuity of self-consciousness came under attack .
3 The negotiations with the gallery were apparently severely threatened , however , by Lord Cholmondeley 's idea that he might withdraw the Holbein from Christie 's and , indeed , from the market for a year .
4 Peter had been trying to prove they should have left him behind ; it had been his father 's idea that he should go , needing the practice if he was ever to go hunting .
5 ‘ Mr Aycliffe , was it Mr Beckenham 's idea that you should delve into my history ? ’
6 ( Subscribers to the ‘ cock-up ’ theory of history will be interested to learn that the framers of the American constitution were much impressed by Montesquieu 's idea that it was the separation of powers in Britain that had enabled the British to maintain their freedom from tyranny .
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