Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] accord to " in BNC.

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1 It means ordering one 's priorities according to greed and advantage rather than the desire to see goodness and justice prevail in the world .
2 The government 's aims according to Klaus would be to minimize the decline in economic growth , limit inflation , and stabilize the level of foreign debt .
3 They realize that in every case he has answered people 's questions according to their particular logic .
4 Van Gogh 's Sunflowers according to an estimate from James Roundell of Christie 's Impressionist department , would have fetched around £4–5 million in 1980 compared to £30 million plus today
5 0802.36 Valuations : Shareholders ' powers according to size of holding
6 It may be helpful to know that the courts have treated the following as contracts of sale contracts : to make and supply ships ' propellers according to a specification , Cammell Laird v. Manganese Bronze & brass ( 1934 H.L. ) ; to prepare and supply food in a restaurant , Lockett v. A. & m .
7 Remember those philosophers ' schemes according to which we only exist if we are perceived as existing by something or somebody other than ourselves ?
8 Since the sex , age and social class distributions for the general population are known it is not difficult to parcel out the interviewers ' tasks according to these criteria .
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