Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] stop [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 United 's defence stopped expecting an offside flag but Alexei Mikhailichenko was allowed to continue and put Rangers ahead .
2 Its £11m spend is double last year 's European budget , and is part of a redistribution of funds following Pirelli 's decision to stop sponsoring Formula One racing .
3 He said British Rail 's decision to stop manning the town 's station from 3.15pm every day ignored the needs of disabled travellers .
4 Later in the night , as she lay crying at his side , he bade her for God 's sake to stop snivelling , so that he might get to sleep .
5 After a while , Lambert 's head stopped roaring and he could see clearly .
6 In these scenes , Greenaway 's camera stops moving and his technique , alternating awkwardly between long shots and close-ups , seems ragged and inadequate .
7 Russ had also written a number of uncovered personal cheques himself , despite not having an account at the bank , and had ignored auditors ' advice to stop abusing his position at the bank .
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