Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [prep] control " in BNC.

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1 TANU had succeeded in coping with a nationalist political movement , but could it cope with the demands of people whose national political consciousness might be further aroused by messages coming from outside the party 's framework of control ?
2 The family 's loss of control over the youth is crucial to his development in sport , for , if there was a more balanced social management within the West Indian community , it is likely that the vibrance and energy expended in sport could be directed into more orthodox areas .
3 It is a measure of Edward II 's loss of control of his family that a matter as important as his heir 's marriage could be arranged without his prior knowledge or consent .
4 There is also a further £100 million provision covering losses on Heron 's stake in Control Securities , now suspended , and the cost of selling properties , legal fees and tax liabilities .
5 As Earnest Kurtz argues in " Not-God " ( published by Hazelden ) , which gives the history of Alcoholics Anonymous , the process of recovery is essentially the recognition that one is not one 's self in control of the Universe , nor even of much of one 's own life , and that one is therefore Not God and nor are the mood-altering chemicals and behaviours that one previously " worshipped " .
6 The physiotherapists began the task of bringing Rose 's spasticity under control , and , some fifteen months after the stroke , she was referred to a specialist stroke treatment centre not far from her home for intensive rehabilitation .
7 It extends the householder 's feeling of control over his or her domain , and gives a direct outlet for the natural desire to improve it .
8 She had just stood there , scarcely able to breathe , and aware that only a hair 's breadth of control separated her from a fury that would shake her to her soul .
9 Among the various characteristics of these technologies which Blauner identifies we highlight three here : the changing skill requirements , the worker 's sense of control over the work process , and changes in the meaningfulness of work — these last two characteristics being , to a very large extent , a product of the social relationships which the worker has with management and the end-user of the product being made .
10 For people with long-standing difficult social circumstances that may throw up a crisis at any time , intervention might best combine practical help with a scheme to foster the person 's sense of control over his or her life , to reduce their sense of hopelessness .
11 How have these concerns been affected by the government 's assumption of control in curriculum matters ?
12 In Hirschi 's version of control theory people conform because they perceive benefits in doing so , and fear losing them .
13 The fourth issue is women 's lack of control in their own political process .
14 The explosive power of volcanos is proof if ever it was needed , of man 's lack of control over the environment .
15 So , it 's stuck with defending this form of public housing in the face of mass dissidence within the working class itself , not so much with the principle of council housing as the tenants ' lack of control over design and management .
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