Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Using Windows NT , he said , ‘ companies can downsize critical applications , provide high performance personal computing , integrate their existing desktop business applications and pull together data from all over the organisation . ’
2 Using Windows NT , he said , ‘ companies can downsize critical applications , provide high performance personal computing , integrate their exiting desktop business applications and pull together data from all over the organisation . ’
3 Aircraft from all over Europe and America are taking part in one of the biggest mid-air refuelling exercises ever staged .
4 But a competition has taken place that proved them wrong.Teams from all over the country battled against the clock to change tyres at Silverstone race circuit .
5 Major industrial partners , like Shell , Hewlett-Packard , and Meiko itself have contributed both money and equipment to help the project to the point where it can offer a reliable multi-user service to people from all over the UK .
6 People from all over the world began to make pilgrimages to Monkey Mia and some 200,000 visitors arrived during the 1989 season .
7 People from all over the world have visited Buxton to take the waters , including such celebrities as Noel Coward and Douglas Fairbanks , Jnr .
8 It is an unbelievable place to spend the summer and young people from all over Europe flock here from April right through to the end of October to enjoy the free and easy life-style and atmosphere that they themselves have created .
9 On all sides the air is filled with music and a mixture of languages as young people from all over Europe get together to enjoy the pleasures of this picturesque resort that has so much to offer in such a small space — last year we counted over 15 different hostelries , none more than five minutes walk from each other !
10 The company was formed by Robert Southam , who also acts and directs for the company and in 1979 launched the European Summer School of Arts and Languages at Oxford , which takes place at the University and offers courses in theatre , music , dance , painting , film-making and English and French literature to young people from all over Europe , including Oxfordshire .
11 Our expertise in serving people from all over the world in renowned .
12 The Cenacle welcomes people from all over the country and holds courses and seminars which cover a wide range of denominations .
13 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the fair — for cattle , sheep and hardware as well as horses — attracted people from all over the country .
14 There is a truly beautiful church , with a 12th century chancel arch and a Norman tower , which is visited and admired by people from all over the world .
15 The attention that the magazines gave us produced a large underground following , which was really cool to have because we thought it was really bitchin' that people from all over the world were sending for our demo tape . ’
16 It used to be called ‘ the Corner of the World ’ as it was said that , seated at one of the tables on the pavement , a Madeiran would eventually see all the people he knew and meet people from all over the globe .
17 In 1917 , after the bombing of Funchal by the Germans , a large procession of people from all over the island walked to Monte to pray for peace , and the local priest promised in his prayers that , if peace came , he would erect a monument to Our Lady of Monte .
18 Some are local saint 's days , others are more important and attract people from all over the island .
19 Yesterday at the Royal Albert Hall there was music-making on a grand scale by young people from all over the United Kingdom , with a prize for the best overall performance .
20 We are offering the experience of a lifetime , and it seems to appeal to people from all over the world .
21 While searchers toil , people from all over Holland have come to see Bijlmermeer burn — and to collect souvenir shrapnel .
22 Meeting people from all over the world became a hobby for them and they were both very happy to tun it into a way of life .
23 They said that an AI group from Austria had been in touch with them with help and support , and that people from all over the world were pressing for his release .
24 The event attracted people from all over the UK .
25 Proof came within a short time when in November 1983 more than five hundred deaf people from all over the country joined other disabled groups at Westminster in an impressive lobby in support of a Private Member 's Bill , introduced by Robert Wareing MP , which sought to make discrimination against all disabled people illegal .
26 The ESPRIT Conference and Exhibition held in Brussels in the week commencing the 12 November was a great success , and was attended by around 2,000 people from all over Europe .
27 AIR in Delhi has always attracted radio people from all over the world .
28 People from all over Ireland would be delighted to see the Eurovision Song Contest screened from Belfast .
29 Internal to Digital there is a roaring football conference conducted over VAXnotes with people from all over the world noting every day .
30 Tall people from all over the country met up over the weekend for the first-ever gathering of Britain 's first Tall Persons ' Club .
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