Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] communication for " in BNC.

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1 In sum , the media of communication for the visionary are many and varied .
2 As well as being a means of communication for staff , to ensure consistency of approach , a selection policy may serve other functions .
3 Radio broadcasting in Quechua is a vital means of communication for Bolivia 's many indigenous communities .
4 via satellite and telecommunication links , sophisticated means of communication for a vast range of purposes including the control of spacecraft , weather forecasting and news transmission , and has provided us with vast and easily accessible data banks .
5 In medieval times , Latin provided a lingua franca , a common means of communication for scholars from different countries .
6 However , I am delighted to report that , despite these hard time , the management has shown its commitment to Pipeline as the main means of communication for LASMO employees around the world .
7 Regular or prolonged contact between two groups who speak mutually unintelligible languages may result in the formation of a pidgin — a language which is nobody 's native language but serves as a means of communication for a limited range of purposes related to the contact situation .
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