Example sentences of "[n mass] [conj] live [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The species of angler fish that lives in the Sargasso Sea is blotched and betasselled in a way that matches the floating sargassum weed so closely that the angler is virtually invisible to the eye of a human being , just as it is to that of a small fish , a shrimp or any other marine creature that might drift through the surface waters of that stagnant sea .
2 The Indian was telling him about this little fish that lives in the river and — you can guess the rest ! ! !
3 The young of the emperor butterfly fish that live on coral reefs seem to use this system too .
4 Amphibians , crustaceans and fish that live in such conditions have to evolve some method of holding on if they are not to be swept away and end up in the sea .
5 The most brilliantly patterned of all are those fish that live in clear sunlit waters where their designs are easily seen — in tropical lakes and rivers and , particularly and most lavishly , around coral reefs .
6 Gobies , small fish that live in tidal rock pools , prove in a particularly convincing way that they have such a thing .
7 It was not until the twentieth century that visual artists started to look into the landscape of the Highlands and Islands and try to say something about the lives of the people that lived through those times .
8 What , do you think that there 's any connection between what you mentioned before about when you claimed for er bomb damage erm that working class people about being , supposed to have a piano , do you think there 's a connection between that sort of idea and the idea of people that lived in Harlow in Council houses should n't have cars ?
9 Were there any different class of people that lived in that part of town then Street and Street and that ?
10 I mean my house is actually right next to it and also the people that live at Shilton Edge Farm erm and you can see it from the airfield or the Kencot Road .
11 The forests are an immense resource capable of feeding and sustaining the people that live in forested areas .
12 It is imperative not to accept the subjects of popular interest as the objects of theoretical scrutiny , not to reify a concept of dubious historical provenance , but instead to unpack the powerful rhetoric that hides behind the notion of the inner city , to outline the contours of alternative urban realities and to place this empirical evidence in the political and economic context that will determine the life chances of those people that live in real places in real urban locations today .
13 The waters of the Sol are notoriously cold , and the hardy people that live in that region are used to the mountains and extreme climate .
14 The people that live in the village could go home straight away but the buses could only get to some of the villages .
15 if I can comment on that Chairman , the erm , the Authority asked for thirty for next month , along with all the other authorities I think in the country , asked for an improvement in the , in the policing the country , and I think people that live in , in Shropshire , and the people that live in other er , parts of the country as well , would have welcomed the increase in the police force this year , but the government decided not to do that .
16 if I can comment on that Chairman , the erm , the Authority asked for thirty for next month , along with all the other authorities I think in the country , asked for an improvement in the , in the policing the country , and I think people that live in , in Shropshire , and the people that live in other er , parts of the country as well , would have welcomed the increase in the police force this year , but the government decided not to do that .
17 Yes , I er , at the risk of getting unpopular with other people that live in Swindon today .
18 That , and we 've had this in the past , where I would say that people that live in Yarbury North and South probably do earn less and live in houses that probably are , do n't have as big gardens and things like that , so the natu the nature of the is that they probably do earn less money erm but I I do n't consider those to be ghettos at all .
19 I think it 'll have drastic effects on the life of Oxford and the quality of life for the people that live in it .
20 By living in a private house the student can be independent while having the opportunity to meet British people and to live in a British environment .
21 It seems likely that the two ‘ fingers ’ at the tip of the trunk are more useful to a species that lives on savanna and finds much of its food by grazing .
22 Pelagic species that live among ice contain antifreeze agents , often unusually high concentrations of plasma proteins ( Hargens , 1972 ) .
23 The most selective feeders , as we have seen already , either have large hunting areas or are nomadic , but these are also the species that live in the most hostile environments .
24 All species that live in families of 100 or more are aposematically coloured , compared with only a small proportion of the solitary species .
25 At one extreme , there are species that live in the sea and never move , such as bivalve molluscs , and others that do move , such as starfish , in which the sexes do not really associate for breeding at all .
26 The classic brackish water system where oscillation of the neap and spring tides gives ‘ tidal prisms ’ of mixed waters and mixing of the flora and fauna that live in each world .
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