Example sentences of "[no cls] i 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because I 'd k I 'd kept it like as evidence
2 I got the job at and I 'd had e I 'd had experience , I knew that going to was no problem .
3 Oh er I 'd made one or two little machines and and machine tools and stuff like that .
4 They er they used to come at the first , and I 'll tell you this and I , it 's my opinion , they got one of their own men er I 'd foxed them off , you know what I mean , to do their own odd jobs .
5 Yes yes I was I had a month 's terminal leave er I 'd er I 'd heard that there was a job going , er phoned them up on the on the Monday , had an interview Tuesday , started the Friday .
6 mm which have to be , er , er I 'd heard it 's round about January sometime is that right ?
7 Cos I had it for a month , cos I did n't know whether I was gon na like it , I 'd never been on one before and er I 'd heard Judith say that you could feel claustrophobic , you know , with it over you
8 And I explained that er I 'd met her in town , which I did , did n't I ?
9 Sausage rolls or something Yes that 's er had a for that we cou we stopped there at I 've never been up that wa that way at that 's about the farthest north I 've been one of these coaches erm two , two , two or three times and er and er I 'd seen that Betty 's on er on television before .
10 And er I 'd fallen asleep , it had clicked off and I was still asleep !
11 Well , I 'd be er I 'd got er a daughter , nineteen twenty nine , I would say , nineteen twenty eight .
12 And er I was informed like that er I I had d stop till six o'clock at night , that night , and I was informed that er I 'd got to come back at night and bring me men .
13 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
14 So I worked down here and nights up there preparing it and all round this , this place was coat hooks and that , where they all hung their things and I had to knock them down , you know what I mean , and fix me own benches up and er I 'd got a little treadle lather and er sufficient for me to start .
15 I do n't know whether you 'll think I 'm boasting but that is n't the case , but I never ever regretted it and it a great deal of respect for me , you know and I could see that and did appreciate it and I know the people appreciated it just the same and erm it 's gone on from then till now but about , I retired in seventy-three , I was sixty-five and I said I 'd only do what anybody wanted for me , cos they had me in for the tax and I never ever heard twenty-one I think it was or thirty-one in come and I 'd go before I could satisfy them at Walsall but er I 'd got , not got enough money to be taxed in the bank , which was true .
16 It was only a one-sided lock , which is completely and totally different to an ordinary lock er working both sides , you see what I mean and er I er I 'd got to er make a key , number thirty-nine just like that , see but I had it and I could find out what thirty-nine was and I could make them one and send it and knowing it would fit see and er when they had different people working there , you know staff , things like that , not a lot of orders but er somebody else come .
17 I thought this was very unfair and erm , but then luckily really because erm I do n't think I would have let the job would have been difficult even if er I 'd had my wife as , for transporting me around to these various people .
18 Er I 'd known Lawrence since , it was either , nineteen eighty five or nineteen eighty six .
19 No , an oak table and an oak sideboard and that was all and just four chairs or six chairs I think it was , yes , er and it was erm that furniture was a utility , er I 'd forgotten about that , it 's taken me back now , that was a utility dining room suite of really first class quality , it was a tallish sideboard with two doors with big bow legs and a square table , erm , but it was solid oak really good
20 and er I 'd left the front door and the inner door open and
21 Doing about sixty , seventy , normal speed , in hurry to get somewhere and er I I just sat there and erm all of a sudden I I thought I was miles past this other car and I started going in , just to let him go past , obviously and he 's I I did n't realise this other car was keeping up with me and I 've gone towards it and I thought sh I 'd looked in my mirror shit it 's still there !
22 Erm I 'd seen one this morning but she is n't in the core lecture so she 's no good to you , but I said to her could you give me a lift at all ?
23 Erm I 'd liked to discuss the point about what aid we can give to try and promote the stability and the event of prosperity of the country .
24 Well , cos it was in town , it was nearer to shops , and erm I 'd heard that keeping Balloon Woods ' flats warm was costing people a hell of a lot of money .
25 Another thing I was gon na ask you about was erm I 'd heard somebody mention ploughing competitions with horses .
26 that 's what I thought , I was n't quite sure , I just wanted I 'd been sort of going through various things , and I want I 'd wanted to make absolutely sure
27 right l I 'd said to Paul now have you told them it 's .
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