Example sentences of "be handed " in BNC.

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1 They 're handed on complete to every generation and they have their effects in every generation .
2 I think , John , I want to come back to the basic one , and that is , as a customer , if you 're handed what you think is an extended warranty to cover you for all sorts of things erm then you 're very disappointed if you find that most of the things that are going to go wrong with your car are excluded .
3 Radical proposals to restrict rod licences to those who have passed an angling test have been handed to the Sports Council review panel by the Institute of Fisheries Management .
4 Not , of course , at Steinmark 's death , but at how Nagel had confided in him and how , quite explicitly , responsibility for the sub-section had been handed to himself .
5 They had been handed over amicably in November 1957 , as work had already been started on building a staging airfield on the Indian Ocean island of Gan , just south of Ceylon .
6 Because modesty in behaviour is such a high priority , these laws of Taharat HaMishpachah have not been publicized , but have been handed down throughout the generations .
7 One such building in the suburb of Karlshorst was a Stasi training centre less than a year ago , and has now been handed over to local artists , who have turned it into a Kunst Haus ( art house ) and bar .
8 Her eyes scanned the first page quickly , taking in the expected account of how Ellen had looked after Oreste as her own , but when she came to the reasons why he had not been handed over to Gigia , Wilson slowed down and even repeated the words to herself .
9 Prisoners arrested for Forest trespasses ought to have been handed over to the sheriff of Rutland for imprisonment in Oakham castle , but Neville put them in his own gaol at Allexton , which was ‘ full of water at the bottom ’ , and bound them with iron chains .
10 He refused to say whether seven or eight voting slips had been handed to him , and said they were all destroyed soon after .
11 He refused to say whether seven or eight voting slips had been handed to him , and said they were all destroyed soon after .
12 Detectives seized eight kilos of coca leaves , the base for cocaine , which were to have been handed out for visitors to chew at the Bolivian Pavilion .
13 After £2,067 had been handed over to the District , branches had been left with a net income of £1,492 , just one pound less than the £1,493 spent on publicity , room rents and other local organisation and administration .
14 However , that right ceases when the second copy of the consignment note has been handed over to the original designated consignee .
15 Recollections have been handed down by word of mouth , of spindle spinning and early spinners in wool and flax , who lived at Adamthwaite .
16 A donation of £260 from the proceeds of the tombola stall and refreshment/poster sales has been handed to the theatre by the Friends who have already made plans for a repeat performance in the autumn .
17 In October 1944 the Leaders faced the problem of redecorating the Primary School room which had been handed back to the church after having been in use during the War as a First Aid Post for a unit of the St John 's Ambulance Brigade led by Miss Mary Lutton .
18 I remember the smiles of delight which spread across the face of one mother when the little fleshly alarm clock which I had been handed , went off at the crucial moment .
19 The self-destructive streak in Scottish football is a legacy that has been handed down from Hughie Gallacher in the '20s to Mo Johnston in the present day , but it finds its most bloated expression in Slim Jim , a player whose massive reputation was built on his slender athletic frame but whose downfall has been a rake 's progress of late nights , seedy bars and relentless beer bellies .
20 It seems sometimes as if this theory , used to explain the processes not only of combustion but also calcination , definitely had been handed to Priestley for special keeping as he adhered to it unswervingly all his life .
21 Many tales have been handed down and a great number of myths have been created around his memory .
22 The story of the blacksmith 's involvement in the Battle of Drumclog can not be substantiated by any written record of the battle but it has been handed down through many generations of people in the Irvine Valley and spoken of with pride .
23 It is this tradition which I suspect has been handed down over the generations in particular families , but which is dying out .
24 Zak , keeping up the tension , said that at the last of our brief stops at minor stations he had been handed a telex about Angelica 's missing friend Steve .
25 Mrs Harker , an old resident of the village and a member of the feast committee , told me that the tradition of burning Bartle has been handed down orally from one generation to the next .
26 But lap-steel is a relative newcomer to the island 's culture when compared with the tradition of slack key guitar , a beautiful acoustic fingerpicking style based around dropped , or ‘ slack ’ open tunings which have been handed down through the generations .
27 How had it been handed over ?
28 French referee Daniel Salles complained in an interview after the tournament that the top refereeing assignments in Catania had been handed over to the Home Unions referees , implying some kind of conspiracy — all of which is an absolute nonsense .
29 Shipbuilding skills have been handed down from generation to generation and now these proud men who helped to put the ‘ Great ’ into Britain are tossed aside because the Government does n't know how to get out of the hole it has dug .
30 Baby One has been handed back to the local health authority and is being cared for at another hospital .
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