Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [coord] takes " in BNC.

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1 In the USA it is common practice for personal injury firms to have a nurse on the staff who accompanies the plaintiff to the defendant 's examination and takes notes .
2 An exhibition at the British Museum marks the seventieth anniversary of the opening of the pharaoh 's tomb and takes a close look at its discoverer
3 The pressed steel system unit case is bulky by today 's standards and takes up quite a lot of desk space .
4 The Trust is not an anglers ' or owners ' association and takes no side in the arguments between the supporters or sporting and commercial fishing , but it does believe that salmon should be taken only in their rivers of origin or their estuaries so that the total level of fishing effort can be controlled in order to ensure that enough fish reach the spawning sites to maintain stocks naturally .
5 If an employee 's hand slips into the governor 's pocket and removes any spare cash , that is theft ; if the governor puts his hand into employees ' pockets and takes their spare cash , i.e. reduces wages , even below the legal minimum , that is the labour market operating reasonably .
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