Example sentences of "[n mass] of bringing [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its vivid descriptions of the joys and glories of heaven have encouraged many weary servants of God , whilst its warnings of hell and exhortations to repent have been the means of bringing others to faith in Christ .
2 And , it would not work because the arrangement 2x + y does not provide a means of bringing accountability to bear on the performance of management : for it is highly improbable that a group of people which is primarily a derivative from two opposed and irreconcilable interests can effectively be called to account by either ; and the addition of a third group accountable to no one further confounds the confusion .
3 As part of the Guild of St George it was intended to be a means of bringing craftsmen into contact with works of art , especially of the Middle Ages , early Italian Renaissance and Gothic revival , and with objects of natural beauty .
4 With the help of the ESRC , the Yorkshire Dales National Park hope to transform countryside interpretation into an active and creative means of bringing landowners , policymakers and the public together to work on the best way to manage one of the great scenic treasures of northern England , yet maintain a healthy rural economy .
5 Captain Budworth , in the first edition of his A Fortnight 's Ramble , was the means of bringing Mary ( Sally of Buttermere ) into notice .
6 Effects of loss of school as a focus for community activities and cooperation , or as a means of bringing people together ; loss of the activities themselves .
7 ‘ We do recognise that there is some indication of user quantities being found aboard klondykers — but there is no sign that the drug barons have begun using this means of bringing material into the country .
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