Example sentences of "[n mass] of keeping the " in BNC.

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1 The professorship in question was seen by the politicians as nothing more than a means of keeping the Laird of Cringletie happy ; it was , as Gorthie put it , ‘ a very good way to answer the Laird 's own expectations till once a good occasion offer ’ .
2 They are a means of keeping the constitution in tune with changing political circumstances without recourse to legislation .
3 Published every two months and approximately 12 pages in length , it is intended as an ideal means of keeping the practitioners and their staff up to date on topical issues .
4 A classified Landsat TM image ( Chapter 5 ) can be used to derive boundaries of spatial classes such as cropland , woodland and water , and remote sensing provide a means of keeping the data concerning land-surface cover that are stored in a GIS up to date .
5 On its own terms , his argument is virtually irrefutable : since grandeur was not a definable objective so much as a means of keeping the flame of national ambition alight , it could never really fail .
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